Kennedy definitely takes after her Mama and she still LOVES to "snuddle" with anyone and everyone. She loves to sit right next to you and if she can be touching you without you noticing she will definitely go for it. She loves to sit next to Daddy and have him rub her feet and legs (definitely takes after me there).
Jim and I looked over from our crib game to see these two on the couch. She thinks nothing of putting her feet on anyone who happens to be close to her and this time Jordie was the victim! He didn't even seem to notice until he saw me taking the photo.
Maybe the last time he wanted her to snuggle with him?!?! I joke, up until about 6 months ago he adored her and always wanted her around, nowadays though he's not quite so in love with her as he used to be. He now thinks she's just an annoying little sister :)
Living her best life here. Tablet, Daddy snuggles and a raw wiener for a snack (and on the couch which she is not usually allowed to do!)
I've become a pro at working from home with a toddler strapped to my side. Some days she's great and plays all morning while I work, and other times she definitely wants to be my assistant. Here she was just really NEEDING a snuddle! Who can say no to that?!
Sitting beside me wasn't enough so she crawled right onto my lap. Luckily I'm a great multitasker and can easily still type with her around me.
Are you almost done work now Mama?
"Jordie, I will rub your back while you play your game"
Couch snuggles with Mama
And also with Daddy
Cute little moment caught last weekend. Jordie ran up and told one of us to come down and see them. This chair holds so many special memories as it was in the nursery and I rocked all three of them in it.
I loved seeing them all snuggled up in it!
Big hugs for Jamesy before school one morning.