Friday, July 3, 2020

Making memories with sunset swimming

On our recent camping trip we found that one of Kennedy's favorite things to do was head to the beach for a before bed swim...usually in her clothes instead of bothering to change into her swimsuit! This spot at Haywire was absolutely beautiful, especially with the gorgeous sun setting behind her.

Beach time dancing girl

Another day and this time Kennedy and Jordie went in in their clothes! 

And on the way back to camp we jump in the huge mud puddle in the trail! She was so happy and truly living her best life getting dirty and having fun!

This time it was swimsuits and a swim with our girls Hads and Kins!

These are the memories I am trying to soak up now that she is growing so fast. So often we find ourselves alone with her while her brothers are off doing other big kid stuff. I am sad that we don't do as much family stuff, but also grateful to have these moments with Kennedy too. Everything is so different with her, not just because she's a little girl, but also because she is our last baby and these moments will be the last of these kinds we get to share with our kids as toddlers. We are treasuring the moments while we can!!