Saturday, July 11, 2020

Glasses unite!

Big development this week for the Barrows family...the glasses wearers now outnumber the non! Since Covid hit I've noticed my vision being almost blurry or fuzzy when trying to read anything. Once things started to open up again I got my eyes tested and don't you know...I need glasses too. James was so excited that I would look like him and he would look like me again :) 

I love this picture of James and I in our "matching" glasses. I tried on probably 25 pairs and these were the only ones I loved. I wished they were a lighter frame color but that's all they had available. I'm hoping to order some new ones online so let me know your favorite online glasses sites.

This guy was sad when he first saw them on me because he said I just didn't look like me anymore. :( 

And it's silly but now I'm kind of sad that this one won't look as much like me in pictures anymore either! It's an odd mix of emotions all around about these things!

It's interesting figuring out how to take pictures without the glare on them! 

The sign that we're both getting older! Both in glasses before the age of 40!