This morning was another one of those days where I had both the Foster girls and the Doxsee kids. This combination doesn't happen super often but when it does it's pancakes all around! And usually a much earlier morning getting going so that I have time to get everyone ready and out the door in time for me to get out the door to get KJ to the babysitters before I have to work!
These girls were amazing and unloaded the dishwasher for me while I made lunches and the boys got ready for school. As a treat they all got some vanilla steamed milk.
Before the craziness of breakfast hit I caught her laying alone on her little couch just flipping through James's book. This is rare at our house, especially on extra kid mornings when she is rarely left alone for a moment.
Wanted to attempt a group pic but they were impatient so I didn't push it! Here are the boys heading off on their bikes.
And here's the girls with Tye walking ahead. It really helps living right around the corner from the school and having kids big enough to walk together!
Throwing it back to December 2018 and another wild but fun day with these 7 great kids!