Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I would do anything in the world for him....

...including getting into my swimsuit and going into the pool with him and his class. As soon as Jordie's class won the popcorn selling contest I went to his teacher and asked her if she wanted to do swimming or skating as the class party. We both knew the kids would have more fun in the pool and hoped that the Complex would allow us to do it with only a few parents in with the kids. In the end we only needed 2 and had 5 adults that came in with us and it was a ton of fun!

Truly the smile on his face when he heard I was coming on the bus with him just made my whole day. Would I have loved to sit on the side and watch and chat with the other moms, yeah sure of course I would have. But did I absolutely LOVE being there with him, engaged in play and just focusing on him, yes absolutely 100%.

I know so many moms that are super self conscious about being in a bathing suit and I am too, but to me in that moment, all that mattered was making my Jordie boy happy. I swore years ago that I was never going to be that mom that sat out of doing something with or for my kids because of my own stuff in my head. I just got in and did it and didn't think about what I looked like, and I'm so happy I did. He was so very excited and so proud that his mom came on the bus and was coming in the pool too. He swam with me, we did races, played catch with his friends, and I got lots of hugs and kisses in the process. Today, I was the best mom for him that I could be, and I'm so happy that I could be truly present there with him. So many times I will admit that even though I'm there with the kids, I'm usually the one taking the photos, so today felt wonderful to not have my phone and to just be with him. I hope these are the memories that my kids will remember about me. That I showed up when I said I would and always put them first.

I've said it before on this blog, and in my life, that I try so very hard to give everything that I possibly can to my kids, and today was no exception. I switched my schedule around at work, I made alternate drop off plans for Kennedy, and made after school arrangements for the kids so I could work later too. I am so very appreciative to my awesome coworkers who understand how much these kinds of things truly mean to me and are willing to go out of their way to switch shifts with me in order to make it happen. Without that flexibility I wouldn't get to do half the things that I have this year.

This smile is the whole reason I said yes and will continue to say yes whenever and however I can.