Looking quite big, but also happy and healthy at 28 weeks!
Seems strange to be doing another pregnancy update so soon after I shared my rather heavy complications post but this one will be a bit more lighthearted! I'm surprised that I'm already at 28 weeks and starting into the 3rd trimester. I've been told by my doctors to take it easy and rest as much as I can to hopefully prevent a bleed from happening and I am doing that the very best that I can. Baby girl's nursery is just about done and after a shopping/appointment trip in late February I'm hopeful it will be all done and ready for her. Once I'm off work we'll get the bassinet out and will install her car seat in the van just in case after our 34 week appointment they decide she needs to be delivered. Her clothes are out, just need to be washed and put in her drawers once the dressers are done being painted and touched up. Anyways, like I promised...here is a bit of a lighter-hearted read about my pregnancy so far!
Due Date: May 4....but she'll be born in April if we are lucky. If not it will be in March sometime!
Total Weight loss/gain: I think I'm around a weight gain of 15 pounds so far...but I feel hungry a lot more these days so I'm thinking I may start gaining faster now! Although the flip side to that is that I'm also feeling more sick again after I eat so I'm not sure how much food I actually consume at any one meal!
Maternity clothes: Oh yes of course. And even some of those I'm finding uncomfortable this pregnancy for some reason. I'm obviously carrying her differently than I did the boys because I just feel squeezed a lot of the time.
Stretch marks: Thankfully not too many yet! They are starting to get worse though around my belly button scar.
Sleep: Random. Up every night to pee at least once and have had some bad nights of leg cramps but overall not too bad yet. I'm also feeling overwhelmed with to-do lists for various things in my life and have found myself awake in the middle of the night going over things that need to be done.
Best moment of this month: Jordie finally feeling baby girl move. His patience finally paid off one day. James has felt her move lots but Jordie usually just can't sit long enough!
Miss anything: Not feeling sore. My hip and tailbone really hurt these days and many nights I spend laying on the couch while Jim rubs my hips and feet. I don't remember the tailbone pain being like this before, but I am thankful to have avoided the terrible sciatic pain I had with the boys!
Movement: Definitely starting to feel her more in the last month!
Food cravings: Cheerios and Fruit Loops, mini donuts, toast, English muffins, McDonalds breakfasts
Anything making you queasy or sick: Most food these days actually. I have to take iron pills to boost my iron levels before the surgery and they've made me constipated and just sort of bloated and gross. I just feel so much bigger in general.
Have you started to show yet: hahahahaha...uuuhhhmmm yeah. Jim came home from work the other day and said to me "wow, it's getting really big" and Ash say me and said that I was definitely looking pregnant these days. Neither were said in a bad way, but yeah there is definitely a good sized belly going on!
Gender: GIRL!
Baby's name: Still not decided for sure, but we are almost there. We aren't telling anyone our final decision until after she is born though. Gotta keep something a surprise!
Labor signs: Thankfully no, none yet!
Belly button in or out: Almost completely out now.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on, and still big. I really need to get them resized but kept waiting until I was done having babies. Maybe it will be my Mother's Day present to myself this year!
Happy or moody most of the time: ooohhh this is a toss up these days for me. I try to be happy, but I will admit I'm feeling pretty moody and miserable some days. I'm uncomfortable when I get up and walk around too much and I get tired very easily. I also walk around feeling like a ticking time bomb just waiting for something to happen (which let me tell you is no fun at all!)
Any pregnancy brain mishaps: I can't concentrate at work to save my life. I am hoping to finish out my weeks strong after this cold beats it but feeling stress at work too because no one has been hired yet. Just trying to do the best I can!
Similarities/differences between pregnancies: So many things are different between the 3 pregnancies! With James I had horrible heartburn, hip pain and extreme hormonoes, Jordie I overall felt good but was tired and had terrible sciatic pain, and this one I'm exhausted, had super sore boobs and have bad pains in my tailbone (not to mention the complications this time around too). I always tell people when they ask me about this third pregnancy...I don't hate it like I hated my first pregnancy, but I certainly don't love it like I loved my second one :) It's somewhere right in the middle!
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound on Valentine's Day. Nana is coming with me!
Next doctor's appointment: Seeing Dr. Ubhi in Vancouver on February 23rd and then Dr. Strydom on February 27th before she heads off on holidays for a few weeks. While she's gone I'm happy that she is referring me to our local gynecologist for my appointments in case something happens while she is away. I haven't met him yet hear from Theresa and Andra that he is awesome so I'm looking forward to meeting him!
So there you have it! The next post at 32 weeks may be my last pregnancy update post depending on how things going in this next trimester. So many unknowns that I'm doing my best to get through. I'll keep sharing along the way though and I can't wait to introduce our little lady to everyone. Thanks for reading :)