Monday, August 22, 2016

The things they say and understand just amaze me sometimes

Lately James is just blowing me away with some of the things that he is understanding and the concepts that I don't think are common for 6 year olds to grasp (hell even some adults have a tough time with the first example!)

Awhile back James was spending the day with Nana right before we left to go camping and I went to pick him up. When I got there there was a bag of Doritos on the counter with the following stickers on them:

I giggled and asked what it was about and my Mom explained to me that originally there was only the top sticker, and then they decided that really the chips should be shared with Jordie too. So Nana went to write Jordie's name beside James's and he said to her very calmly "Nana, you can't do that, that sentence won't be right then. You would have to change it to say, for when they are camping, not when he is camping" Yup, MIND BLOWN. How the heck he understood that concept is absolutely beyond me, but he totally did. I am a huge lover of grammar and spelling and I hope that my little James ends up being a word nerd like me. :)

On that camping trip we were all sitting around the campfire and I kept reminding James to stay away from the fire because he was buzzing around it so close and I am a nervous Nelly that worries with how klutzy he is that he will fall into it and get really hurt. Ash was sitting beside me and got James's attention and said to him "hey James, why does Mom tell you to stay away from the fire?" And his answer was "because I could fall in and it would hurt really bad and it would change my life forever." So, he is listening to me even though he doesn't appear to be. Sadly two young boys climbed an electrical tower the month before and one was electrocuted and severely burned and the other burned his hands badly when he saved his friends life by putting out flames on his body.  James had heard us talking about this tragic accident and he obviously heard me telling people how afraid I am of fire when it comes to my kids. Accidents can happens so quick and there is often serious life long side effects with that kind of injury.

Earlier this month James went on a walk with my cousin Brenda and her husband Rick. They said he was the most charming and funny little character and talked the whole time they were on their walk. They went down to the sea wall below my parents house and at one point they got him to run ahead to a landmark and then run back to them and Brenda would time him. I'm sure it was to get a few minutse of peace from his talking and of course they know that all little kids love a timed challenge of any kind. He ran back and Brenda said that he was gone for 2 minutes and 4 seconds and James looked at her and said "so you mean just over 120 seconds?" She said they had a good giggle and they were both shocked that he understood the concept of time so well.

He did it again when he asked Jim yesterday if he could play on the iPad for a few minutes and Jim said "sure buddy, just give me 3 minutes" and James said "okay Dad, I'm going to count until 180 and then it's my turn, right?" We said yup that's right and sent him downstairs because he was serious about doing the counting and I didn't want to hear it. I doubt he actually continued on that long because his attention span isn't quite that good yet but just a few minutes later he came back upstairs and said it was time for his turn :)

One more funny sidenote: My friend Kelly told me about this conversation thatwas overheard with James and her daughter Quynn at a birthday party we were at recently.
James: hi Quynn, how are you?
Quynn: good
James: how's your mom doing?
Quynn: she's good (the kid was probably wondering why the hell he was asking about her mom)
James: is she keeping busy these days?
hahahahahahaha....I just about died when Kelly told me that was the question that he asked Quynn. You can tell that 1) he spends a lot of time with adults 2) he is ALWAYS LISTENING to us!

Second sidenote: James and Jordan just love my friend Kelly. At the party she went to go and get Jordan some more juice and as soon as she walked away from him he looked at me and said "Mommy, she's so pretty" (which is true, she really is). And at her son's birthday party a few weeks ago James requested that she take a selfie with him while she was downstairs taking pictures of the kids playing. And I laughed when she posted the photos from the party and there was a selfie of her with each of my boys. They do like having their pictures taken...I wonder though why that is? :)

These boys are just so cute and I love how engaging they are with the adults in their world. I just hope that those adults don't mind just how engaging they can be sometimes! I caught James jokingly yelling at Brandt at the party that he is driving way too fast in the strata's parking lot (which is true, and he must have heard me and Jim talking about it). Luckily Brandt laughed with him and said "thanks for letting me know James!"