Monday, March 21, 2016

Family day wienie roast by the lake

We spent our Family Day up at Lois Lake with the Parkin family and the Gunther family. We all had so much fun just enjoying the beautiful sunshine and fresh air. The boys loved running around with their friends and hanging out by the fire eating s'mores and hot dogs. Definitely something we want to do more often (in fact we went yesterday to a different lake but had to get this post done first before I post those photos!)

Here is our view from where we spent the day.

Bill getting the fire going

Making a table to put stuff on

Because we were house sitting we brought Diesel too 

A few of the adorable little Ms.Gracie

3 of the 4 boys all wanted her attention at one time!

She is so cute! 

Of course Jordie was hungry within a few minutes of getting there

And someone brought licorice which he decided quite quickly that he liked

Think the sugar kicked in??


That's a bit better...Daddy to the rescue!

He thinks this is pretty awesome

 Not many pictures of James because he was off with the other kids playing in the woods and I seriously only saw him for a few minutes at a time! He is a busy boy when we get together with his friends!

Best buddies

Time for s'mores!

Diesel was lucky that Jordie doesn't really eat hot dog buns so he got to have it instead

Now some that Jenn took while people were making hot dogs and s'mores

I seriously love this kid. Aidan is such a sweet boy and when I see him and hear him I envision what James will be like in 5 years. They are very alike and get along really really well.

Gracie was tired so I was trying to snuggle her but she wanted nothing to do with it!

And Jordie just wanted to help feed her the bottle

Pictures of the kids that I took

The kids fire pit that they made right in the middle of the forest, they couldn't understand why we wouldn't let them light it :)

Ayva being the leader! She held her own in this group of boys!

Now here are the pictures of the kids that Jenn took! I love how talented she is and love that we get to see some awesome photos of our boys all together that she takes when we go out and do fun stuff.

His dirty little face here is awesome!

Had to get Gracie because we can't forget her!

The two girls of the group!

Jordie wanted to hold her too

haahahahahah...poor Gracie wasn't so happy

A great photo of Aidan

And of Aidan and Ayva

And a great one of Lukas too!

I can't remember what was in the air that day but it was some sort of tree or plant fluff. Looks like rain in this picture but the weather that day was perfect. Sunny but not hot!

Hahahahahaha....this kept him busy for quite some time!

He found the cheezies!

I captured him for a quick picture!

Just before we left I told Jenn we needed a couple of family photos taken to mark the occasion of Family Day 2016. We try to take a family picture every year on that day. 

The Parkins!

The Gunthers

An awesome picture of our fire!

And Jenn's picture of our view!

So many great memories from that day. Some captured and some not. Carey, Jenn and I just sat down by the water and chatted for an hour while the kids played around us and the guys sat up by the fire. Just a great way to get out and enjoy the weather and the beautiful area we live in. Looking forward to many many more of these outings in the months and years to come!

Oops...edit to this post....I knew I had more photos but then realize that I didn't include my iPhone photos in the post above. I don't want to put my crappy phone pictures in amongst Jenn's awesome photos so I'll put the randoms down here at the bottom so they are still included.

Jordie and Diesel on our way up to the lake

 Before we had kids we were our own little family so I always like to take a picture of just the two of us on this day too!

Some adorable photos of Jenn and Gracie that I took

Diesel was not happy on the way home. He was wet so we made him sit further back and kind of barricaded him back there and he was less than impressed by this situation.

He made it about 3 minutes in the van before he was out cold!

 He wanted to hold his brother's hand while he slept this post is really done!