Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mommy’s Little Men – Week 19 – May 3 – 9

Starting off this week with a few photos of the boys together this week. Most of these have already been on the blog in the Nanaimo trip post but still favorites for the week so had to put them here too!

I love it when the boys do this. Since this photo was taken James has moved to the back row and into a booster seat so they can't do it anymore for the time being. I'm sure he'll want to move to the middle again at some point :)

Now onto Jordie. I know I posted this one Instagram but it is definitely a favorite photo of him.

Now 4 favorites from our trip

All 5 of my favorites of James this week were from out trip. Can I just say the heck are his feet that big already?!?!

2015 Mommy’s Little Men Photo Project
“I love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”