Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mommy’s Little Men – Week 17 – Apr 19 – 25

Things seem to be quieting down a little bit so hopefully over the next couple of nights I'll get a few backlogged draft posts caught up!

Stating off this week with an adorably sleepy Jordie who randomly got up one night before we went to bed and just wanted to sit and snuggle with Mommy!

Blurry but so cute

Playing in Auntie Shirley's backyard while Daddy did some power washing

Definitely a pizza eating dinner

Now onto James's birthday party on the 19th

His awesome painting of Mommy

I love this painting so much it's now on my bulletin board in my office

Riding his bike over to Auntie Shirley's house to see Daddy

Mini golfing with Daddy after supper

Now for a few together photos from the week

I love these pictures of my boys all working together 

2015 Mommy’s Little Men Photo Project
“I love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”