Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter Weekend 2015

Easter weekend started for us on Thursday when my brother Ben showed up to celebrate with us! We barged into Mom and Dad's house at 8am for coffee and a visit and James and I raced to see who could get to Uncle Beej the fastest. I won of course :)

On Friday morning Jim and Ben went out for a drive around town while I hung out at home with my two handsome little guys and just relaxed on my first of 4 days off. Friday afternoon I had a strata meeting and then we all had a big lasagna dinner at the parents house with Ang & Bill too.

Saturday morning had us walking to the soccer field at JP Dallas to watch James play. It was colder than it looked out but we had a great visit and lots of laughs while watching him and chasing Jordan and Diesel around. After soccer the boys and I walked with Nana, Papa and Ben back to their house for lunch and more visiting.  

Jordie and Uncle Ben doing jumps (don't mind the thing in his mouth, it's a baby toothbrush thing that he loves chewing on right now when he's teething so bad!)

Saturday afternoon had James and I walking home after lunch and some quiet family time at home with Mom sick in bed and Daddy and James playing Wii. Then that night we had my parents and brother over for taco dinner at our house.

Sunday morning arrived and we were off to Nana & Papa's for an Easter egg hunt. James knows that both Santa and the Easter bunny only know to find us at N & P's house because we don't have a chimney or a yard at our house :)

This is James running into the living room to find the Easter baskets, but he found presents for Papa and Uncle Beej first.

Then he turned around and found their buckets!

I'm not sure if he's sad that there was no chocolate in the egg (it was Ninja Turtle tattoos) or what but he certainly doesn't look very happy!

And then the boys opened up their chocolates from Nana and Papa

Now he's happy of course because he knows it's food

Blurry happiness

Sharing his chocolate pop with Papa

And James shared his with Nana

So then Jordie had to too

hahahaha...this was so funny, he just climbed up on the couch like it was nothing. See Ben's hands? He lasted up there about 20 seconds before everyone was saying "no no no Jordie, you get down from there!" Daddy got him his chair and table instead.

Snuggles with his Papa on the way outside for their egg hunt

And so it begins! James just ran out and went for it while Jordie wasn't sure exactly what to do.

It didn't take him long that's for sure

Papa was so excited and loved walking his boy around the backyard getting his eggs

James was going so fast that by the time I even got over to him he had his bucket almost half full already. He was sticking to one side of the yard while his brother stuck to the other.

Reaching up high for that one!

He did not like reaching into the grass for those eggs.

I love this one! He's clearly pointing to it.

Adorable moment captured!

Benji and his mommy

Pretty darn proud of himself with his bucket of eggs

I love these two handsome little men. SO CUTE!

Looking up for more eggs!

Uncle Beej spotted one out in the yard I think

And of course a family photo had to be taken!

Love this one of James

And then it was time to bust them open and find the chocolate!

And Jordie shared so nicely with Nana

Then just laid on the floor and played with the new Ninja Turtle cars from the Easter bunny

After the egg hunt excitement I walked down the hall to find Jordie and there he was sitting on the little potty (with his pants and diaper on of course so I quickly pulled them off and he sat down). Nothing happened but he was at least willing which is a great step in this potty training adventure.

Big high fives for Mommy

This was so cute, he was standing away from his Daddy and Jim was pulling the ball and letting it go so it hit him and he was loving it...for the 2 minutes it lasted until the ball broke off the paddle! Thankfully it was an easy fix.

Then it was outside to play on his castle while James played "tennis" on the deck with Nana and Uncle Ben

Pants and socks got soaked so he just rocked the diaper look for awhile instead

Having fun with Uncle Beej

Then we went home and yes I know this is backwards, but we dyed Easter eggs! To be honest this is only the 2nd time we've ever done eggs so even though we were late doing it we still wanted them to have the fun of it.

As you can see we didn't trust Jordie too much so we took of his clothes and one of us guarded him at all times while the other one took photos. 

James loved this and had so much fun and was really good at not getting the dye everywhere!

Jordie on the other hand was a wild child and just wanted to push the cup around everywhere!

At least Jim looks good....hahahahaha!

Fist bumps for Daddy

He looks so grown up in this picture for some reason, it makes me sad to think he'll be 2 years old in just 6 weeks.

He was having a very good time splashing the egg around in the dye. 

And getting dye all over his fingers too of course!

Now it was Mommy's turn to help and Daddy took photos

Trying to get him to wait for the egg to get darker was very hard. He pretty wanted to drop the egg in, swish it around a little bit and then pull it out (and then repeat again right away with a new egg!)

So happy


Typical Jordie...just wanted to eat it! He didn't care in the least that it had a shell and was soaking wet with blue dye!!

Concentrating hard

The finished products

Pointing at his egg with his name on it

Up close of their names. The egg dying pack we bought actually came with a crayon you could draw onto the egg with and then when you dyed it that part was white still

Trying to get a good smile, didn't quite work out.

Air fives!

Cards and chocolates from Nana and Papa.

All dressed up and ready to go to Nana and Papa's for turkey dinner

It was so beautiful that the boys and I walked to N&P's 


Playing so nicely before dinner

All dressed up so we took the time to attempt another family photo

A few different takes with various faces from the boys

Snuggles and pictures with Uncle Beej

How cute are these two?!

And these two as well. James looks so natural and happy in this photo!

James and I were going to try and get a picture of the two of us and then out of the blue Jordie just walks over and stands beside me and looks right at Ben taking the photo. The little butthead wouldn't be in a picture if you asked him but if he thinks he's missing out on something that James gets to do he will happily join in!  Either way, it's a happy circumstance that ended in a great photo! 

Everyone got kicked out of the kitchen but Jordie was at the counter and Papa was offering him food before supper.

And we're set and ready to eat! I think Shirley is missing from this picture but she makes a side appearance in the next photo.

Another big holiday dinner at the Parry household...and she wouldn't have it any other way! 

After dinner the boys and I went out in the beautiful sunshine to play with their paddleballs on the front porch. 

And some selfies too of course! He looks so grown up these days and so much like his Daddy and nothing like me.

I love this kid and when I see pictures like this I realize just how much we do look alike. He's got my nose, eyes and smile. 

One last big couch snuggle for Uncle Ben before we head home for the night and he left the next morning 

Waiting for Daddy to get back from the store so we played some after dinner hockey in the driveway...yes I played even in my flip flops and skirt! 

The next day we decided to finish decorating our eggs with the stickers, however, it was a totally dumb because they wouldn't stick to the eggs at all!

But of course they stuck to Jordie's finger which he was not a fan of! 

And then of course he wanted to eat it still

So I peeled it and then guess what? He wanted NOTHING to do with it except to play with it. He took one small bite and was not impressed.

The finished product of the two name eggs. I will definitely dye eggs again and try to get creative so the eggs are more than one colour. I think it will be fun!