Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A healthier and happier me

After almost 3 years away from it I've decided to make a commitment to be healthier, to eat better and to get some exercise every day. Even if it is just a short walk after supper as a family, just to not sit around so much. I sit so much for work that I really want to make myself get up more. I know in the past how good I've felt about my life when I have made this commitment and I want to get back there again. Plus, I've gained 6-7 pounds back of the 10 that I had lost before we went to Mexico. I want to get back down to where I was, and would love to lose even a few more pounds. I will never be skinny unless I learn to give up the foods that I eat (which I don't see happening any time soon), but I can be more active, and happy with the body that I've got. I really want to focus on just being active with my boys, and just showing them that getting out as a family is really important. I asked James the other day as we walked down the street together holding hands if he would still walk with me even when he's a teenager and he promised me he would. :)

The kid really needs a haircut, but here is the proof that he still holds my hand when we walk down the street!

My view on the treadmill the other day. Playing crib on the iPad while Jordie watched Treehouse beside me. 

Family walk after dinner

James trying out the gym equipment near the walking trail at the school

And of course Jordie wanted to try too! 

On Easter Sunday the boys and I walked to Nana and Papa's house for turkey dinner. Jordie didn't want to look so I just took a picture of James and me!

How cute are these two photos?

James and I went for a walk the other night and it was absolutely beautiful out. Here is the view looking down Nootka Street towards the water.

And the view looking out over the school field

My handsome little walking partner. He is such a trooper and looks forward to our after dinner walks now and asks about it throughout the day. 

I had to stop to tie my shoe and he asked if we could just sit together for a few minutes, and before I knew it he was snuggled right up next to me. 

Another view from our walk, this time at the far end of the field looking down Massett Street

Hugs for Mommy while on our walk. 

Terrible hair from swimming that afternoon but who cares, my kid asked to take my photo 
so I said yes

That's it for now, more photos to come I'm sure! I would love to write an update post when I hit my goal weight :)

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