Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mommy’s Little Men – Week 12 – Mar 15 – 21

Starting off the week with cute Jordie pictures

"Helping" Daddy

Late night snuggles with Daddy

Airplane park

My brown eyed little guy intently watching a cartoon and eating my lunch! 

Mommy was home from her work trip and all I wanted was so big guy snuggles! 

The next day on my lunch break I came home from work and all he wanted was for me to watch him play MarioKart on the Wii

We walked to Nana's and the weather was so nice that James was able to wear just shorts and a t-shirt

Up close and just so cute! 

Airplane park ball playing with Daddy

Now onto the week's together photos

Trying to get a good smiley photo

And got funny faces instead

Sunny afternoon walk to Nana's

Goldfish snacks at Nana's with Alex

It was after supper and they were already in PJ's so Daddy just carried them both out to the van instead of worrying about putting on shoes. 

Daddy and the boys too a walk down the beach trail while Mommy was away for work

And airplane park too

2015 Mommy’s Little Men Photo Project
“I love watching them become little men right in front of my eyes”