Friday, August 30, 2013

The Barfies

Since James learned how to talk we've never had him complain of a sore head, sore tummy or any other sicknesses. I should have known when he just wasn't quite himself yesterday, then didn't finish a small bowl of veggie soup for supper and didn't want dessert when bribed to finish the soup, or when he said to me right before climbing into bed "Mommy, my tummy feels a little sick". Because he's never said anything like that before I didn't know to ask him what he was feeling. I thought maybe he was just tired so I kissed him goodnight and told him to crawl in.

An hour and a bit later we were watching a show with Ang & Bill and I heard over the monitor beside me....the dreaded SPLOOSH...followed by a dreadful crying/screeching coming from his room. Jim and I went barrelling up the stairs to find him and his bed covered in it. If there is one thing I hate in life more than most is absolutely positively BARF. Any kinds....mine, pets, kids, adults, doesn't matter, I HATE IT! Jim took on the task of cleaning up the mess, and I took to showering James. We put him back to bed very sleepy but hoping for the very best it was a one time upset. We were dead wrong on that one...within about 20 minutes he was up again. Gravol came right back up and it just continued until midnight when we gave him some Benadryl (recommended by the ER doc 2 years ago when he got a 12 hour flu bug) and he fell asleep for 4 hours, then up again 2 more things at 4 and 5 am. By then the poor little guy couldn't even keep water down :o(

Back to bed he went, with his wonderful Daddy sleeping on the floor beside him, and fell asleep for a few more hours. When Jordy and I got up at 7 James and Daddy moved to our room and snuggled up to watch a movie. He came down after that, got sick one more time and then managed to eat half a piece of toast and a small apple sauce. Most of the day he spent lethargic and tired and really not himself. He had a 3.5 hour nap and then managed to eat just a small bowl of chicken noodle soup and a glass of apple juice.

After supper tonight he was back to his typical 3 year old self and was cheeky and causing trouble once again! He went off to bed tonight at 9 and I think we're past the worst of it now. Let's hope he stays barf free overnight and we can enjoy the last day of his cousin's visit tomorrow!

Let's also hope that Jim and I have avoided catching the dreaded "barfies" as James has taken to calling them! I don't think he'll forget this past day anytime soon.