Saturday, August 24, 2013

34/52 - A Portrait a Week

Starting off with the littlest Barrows today. I love this outfit that we got for him from Jim's family in Nanaimo. I've waited to put him into it and am hoping that in September for his monthly photo it will still fit his chubby little legs and thighs!

And now onto my finally freshly haircut big boy James. He has had a fear of getting his hair cut since just after his first cut at 1. He would scream and cry whenever my sister got near him with scissors. We finally bit the bullet and forced him to do it by saying he couldn't go to school without his hair cut...and that if he didn't let Auntie cut it that Daddy was going to shave it again, which would have been traumatic for all involved! Luckily he sat, relatively still, while watching movies on the iPad and Mommy standing in front of him encouraging him, and a very fast Auntie Ra working her magic. Within 10 minutes it was done, with just a few tears and no screaming at all. Oh my gosh he's so handsome and grown up looking!

hehehehehe...this picture makes me giggle. James as always was having a hard time focusing on me with the camera and Jordan was just about to lose it any second but nonetheless I love this photo of my two big guys.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"