Friday, August 23, 2013

Jordan's Monthly Photos with Harris

3 months already! 

Wow, where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that he was born into our little family and instantly we became this whole new dynamic team. James continues to love his little brother like I could never have even dreamed he would. He wants to hug and kiss him, hold him, feed him and is starting to want to make him smile and laugh. He even mock "yells" at him when he puts his finger in Jordan's mouth "Eeewww....Mooooommmmm, Jordan is sucking on my finger!" I just laugh and ask him what he thought would happen when he did that :o)

This month Jordan has really become quite a little person. He is smiling and just starting to giggle at us sometimes. He loves his bath and is starting to not mind being put on his floor mat to look at the toys on it. He is eating 6 oz of formula every 3-4 hours during the day and here comes the best Mommy brag of this whole post...he is sleeping from between 9 and 10 until 6 or 6:30....which means this sleep loving Mommy is feeling happy and refreshed most days. I know from my experience with James that this can change at anytime. James was a good sleeper too..until he hit about 18 months and the night terrors started :o(  I'm desperately hoping that my hopes and dreams of a great sleeper have come true and even though this kid is a spitting image of his Daddy that maybe, just maybe, he will love to sleep like his Mommy. One can hope right?

He is now a whopping 16.9 pounds as of last week and 24" long. He is a happy, chubby and smiley little guy. He is my newest love and I am cherishing every single snuggle and breath of clean baby scent that I can while I can. Before I know it he will be all grown up like his big brother.

After 10 minutes of looking through the choices I just couldn't decide on just 1 so here are two adorable photos with Harris the bear.

Here's all the pictures in order: