Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy 10 Year Anniversary to Us!

10 years ago today Jim and I became boyfriend and girlfriend and exactly 4 years later we got married in a beautiful wedding ceremony in my parents back yard. We've now been married for 6 years and have done some amazing things in those years. We've bought our first home and now welcomed two happy and healthy little boys. We've had our ups and downs for sure but we both know that in our hearts there will never be anyone else but each other. We are still best friends and still know how to make each other laugh with just a single look from across a room.

I had hopes of putting together an awesome slide show or photobook, but you know with the baby, and big kid, and strata and planning and packing for our trip today there just wasn't time! So instead I've decided to post 10 of my favorite pictures of us from the past 10 years.

We've certainly changed a lot...and by that I mean we've both gained some weight! :o)

November 2003 - Just a few months after we got together

June 2004 - My college graduation

August 2005 - Anniversary trip to Tofino

August 2006 - Friends wedding in PR just days after we moved here. Yes my face is huge and most would wonder why I love this picture but it shows to me that Jim has always loved me no matter what I looked like. For those that don't know, I was on Prednisone for an extended period of time in the year leading up to this photo being taken. We got married just one year later...that photo is coming up next!

August 4, 2007 - Our beautiful wedding day

August 2008 - Anniversary trip back to our honeymoon B&B in Sechelt

October 2009 - Friends wedding in Nanaimo

March 2010 - Such love, happiness and excitement at expecting our first little one

November 2011 - Date night fun with friends

September 2012 - Probably my favorite photo of us taken since our wedding.

May 2013 - Pregnant and happily expecting Baby #2.

Wow, that took me a long time to find just 10 photos that I love of us together. I have a ton more but once James came along I notice there were a lot less! Happy Anniversary Jimmy. 

Update: August 14, 2013
Here is a picture taken of us this year on our 10 year anniversary. Unfortunately I came down with a terrible cold the day before we left and when this photo was taken I was running a fever and feeling absolutely awful! We went to our friends parents house an hour later and I was sound asleep at 8:30 pm. Even though I was sick I still had a great anniversary with my honey enjoying being just husband and wife!

August 4, 2013 - Dinner at the Monkey Tree Pub in Victoria

And here is the super cheesy poem I wrote for Jim and put in his anniversary card:

Happy Anniversary Jimmy
10 years ago we started together on this journey called life
4 years after we began we became husband and wife.
We’ve certainly had our share of ups and downs
With lots of smile and also some frowns.
We’ve created a wonderful life together, with two happy little boys
Raising them with you has brought me immense laughter and joys.
You've always been there for me through thick and thin
No matter how cranky of a bitch I've been.
We've made it through new jobs, house buying, and two babies.
I love that the future holds many more adventures and maybes.
After all these years I still truly believe you are my one and only
I know for certain that as long as we’re together I will never feel lonely.
Here’s to many more years as a happy couple, and family too
Always know how much I love you and all that you do.
Love Me