Monday, June 24, 2013

Jordan's Monthly Photos with Harris

Harris is the adorable Australian bear that was given to us by our niece Tyanna for the new baby. When we were pregnant with James she gave us a bear and it became his monthly growth buddy and we faithfully took his pictures and they are some of our favorites from the first year of his life. Tyanna named him Freedo and he now sits on James's headboard in a place of honor, now only brought out on his birthday (or in the case of James this year it was a few days after his 3rd birthday!) for his photo to be taken. I wonder how many years my boys will let me take photos with these bears on their birthdays?!?!

Just 4 days before my scheduled c-section for this pregnancy I was chatting with T from Australia and she mentioned she had seen my blog post with the photo of my painted belly with my old cabbage patch dolls and that we weren't allowed to use those dolls. I asked her why and she sent this adorable photo of her with Harris bear.

I said it was great that she had bought the baby a new bear but there was no way we would get the bear in time for baby's birth as we were just days away now. To which she replied that the bear was actually already here in PR with her mom; she had had her friend bring it back with her from Australia a few weeks before. It was going to be a surprise but when she saw that I had something different planned for the baby's monthly photos she decided to tell me about him.

So, Harris was packed in the hospital bag because this time I knew I wanted a birth day photo taken with the bear as a starting point. As the days ticked by closer to June 23 and Jordan's 1 month I grew excited to take the first photo and to post it both here and on FB. In the next few days I'll post a few of my favorite shots from his first month, as well as some fun facts about him.

Each month I'll  post all of the photos in order so everyone can see how much he has changed from one month to the next.
Birth Day

1 Month