Busy mom, 3 amazing kiddos....navigating a new chapter of life after my recent separation
Friday, July 28, 2023
Funny Friday ~ I couldn't wait to have a daughter to take cute pictures with....
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Throwback Thursday - July 27
Every year we camp on Texada for the last week of July leading into the August long weekend. When I searched my Google photos for shots taken on July 27, you'll see that most of them have been taken there. This year we're still going the same week but we leave on Sunday the 30th because the long weekend is pushed back this year till the 7th. Seeing these photos makes me even more excited for our week of vacation camping over there. We always have such a fun week and I'm hoping this year will be the same thing!
2022 - and maybe my favorite photo of the whole summer!
The sunset that night after we got off the boards was just incredible!
2021 - Beach fun!
2019 - U9 baseball in Sechelt with James's summer travel team!
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Why does she look so grown up these days?!
Time is just going at a ridiculous speed now. Seriously, some days it feels like she's years older than she is, until she sneaks into my bed for snuggles, or asks me lay with her and sing to her every night. Then I remember that she really is still just my tiny little human, just 6 years old. She is so wise beyond her years though and I feel like I'm going to blink and these years will be gone, so I'm taking ALL the snuggles and singing all of the songs, because I KNOW that before I know it she won't want those things from me anymore.
It's true what they say, you really have to slow down and truly cherish the moments with all of your kids, but especially that last baby you'll ever have!
Seriously...how cute is she in this photo taken last weekend at the beach in her new tankini?!
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Just wear the bikini
I am 42 years old and I've finally done it and I'm damn proud of myself. I finally got comfortable enough with my body insecurities and put on a damn bikini! This was the year that I just decided to do it and I'm glad I did.
While I don't always love the image I see of myself in the mirror, I am content and proud of the body that I am living in. This body deals with a chronic illness that has good days and bad, it grew and birthed 3 tiny humans, had 5 open abdomen surgeries (appendectomy, bowel resection, 2 lower c-sections and 1 large belly button to pubic bone c-section/hysterectomy) and has been my comfort and support through many weight gains and losses. It is stronger than it's ever been and genuinely loves and craves physical activity.
The me of 5 years ago never would have felt that a daily walk was an important part of my routine, the me now rarely goes a day without a walk. I live a very busy life, so sometimes all I can manage in a day is 15-20 minutes, but other days I find or make the time to do an hour and I love it. I take what time I can for myself because I've realized how much of a positive impact it has had on my mental and physical health in the 2+ years that I've been walking regularly. When I think back to all of the years that I had small kids, I do wish that I'd had the motivation that I do now as I bet my body would be much healthier and fitter than it is now. But I don't live with the regret, I just live in gratefulness that I've adopted a much healthier lifestyle now than I had for all of those years. It took me till I was almost 40 to realize that I didn't want to wake up at 60 still sitting on my couch every day doing nothing!