Thursday, July 27, 2023

Throwback Thursday - July 27

 Every year we camp on Texada for the last week of July leading into the August long weekend. When I searched my Google photos for shots taken on July 27, you'll see that most of them have been taken there. This year we're still going the same week but we leave on Sunday the 30th because the long weekend is pushed back this year till the 7th. Seeing these photos makes me even more excited for our week of vacation camping over there. We always have such a fun week and I'm hoping this year will be the same thing! 

2022 - and maybe my favorite photo of the whole summer! 

The sunset that night after we got off the boards was just incredible! 

2021 - Beach fun! 

2020 - More beach fun! 

2019 - U9 baseball in Sechelt with James's summer travel team! 

2018 - Setting up the beer gardens at Sunset for the year end baseball tournament!