Tuesday, June 13, 2023

She grew something...

She definitely didn't get a green thumb from me. I kill every living thing I get...except for my kids (those I've managed to keep alive 13 years already!)

Our neighbours are the BEST people and last summer they came over and together with Kennedy they weeded the raised garden bed and threw some seeds into it and hoped for the best. We got one small head of lettuce last year that was attacked by a slug and some deer and that was it, our season was done. Not a single thing they planted actually survived to be eaten.  Hahahahaha....right about par for my growing abilities!!

Fast forward to about a month ago and I look out and see the girls gardening once again in the back yard. There was one small head of lettuce started so they weeded the rest of the bed and got to planting once more...and again we hope for the best! 

Last night they came over to check the garden and told Kennedy it was time to pick this GIANT head of lettuce that had grown in the past few weeks. 

She was so proud of herself...and now the plans are starting for a big veggie garden next year. 

Peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, berries...we'll see if we can actually pull it off!

But for now, she's just thrilled with this victory!