Monday, April 1, 2019

Memory Monday - Honoring Grandma Tracy

6 years ago yesterday the kids Grandma Tracy died suddenly, just two short months before Jordie was born. Today the boys mentioned her because they always know the day she died because it's also the same day that our beloved little bestie Maddie was born.

I'm sad that she never got the chance to meet our two littests, but I'm still touched by the adorable relationship she had with James. She absolutely adored him and he says he remembers her. We talk about her often and Jordie knows all about her too. He's said many times before that he's sad that he didn't get to meet her too. We look at her pictures and James regular asks to watch the one video that we have of them together.

Gotta share it again cause we love it so much!

I wrote two great blog posts shortly after her death and we've gone back to them many many times over the last 6 years and we will continue to so that our kids always know who she was. Those two posts are called No Chance to Say Goodbye and More Memories of Grandma Tracy. Both are great posts, with lots of great photos of her from all different years of her life!