Thursday, September 15, 2016

2 weeks without a blog? Can you tell that we've been busy!

Between two very busy weekends at the cabin and camping, me starting my new full-time job at VIU, the start of school and just generally life happening, I just haven't been into doing a blog post lately. By the time I get home at night and get settled in I just don't have it in me to sit down at my computer to do anything. I usually veg out in my chair and watch TV, or if I'm lucky I lay on the couch and Jimmy rubs my feet. I am a lucky girl and although I'm way behind on blogs from the summer, I know I'll get to some really good ones soon. I'm excited to share our summer with you all, and with thousands of pictures to choose from, I'm sure some of the posts will have some wonderful memories in them!

For now here's an adorable picture of Jordie sleeping on his Daddy last night.

I always find if I've taken a break from blogging and have a huge list of draft blogs waiting to get written and done that I feel a bit overwhelmed so I start with a small and nothing type blog like this one to get me going again :) We'll see if I can get my shit together to get a couple more done in the coming week!