Monday, June 27, 2016

Today we said thank you and goodbye to Mrs. Butula

Just 2 more days of school and we are officially moving on to the big scary world of Grade 1. Today was James's teachers last day of the year so this post is about the card he made her and also has the video that we made for her with videos of most of the kids from the class. There are also a few photos that I took of James and Mrs. B throughout the year. I hope to do a big Kindergarten wrap up post at some point over the summer too!

James's card that he worked very hard on...and then his butthead brother spilled milk all over it! We just wiped it off and he proudly took it off to school to give to Mrs. Butula

I loved his picture of him and Mrs. Butula hugging. He nailed their glasses...don't you think? Oh, and I love his rainbow shirt that he had to draw too!

First picture together - September Meet the Teacher night

PJ and Pancake Breakfast Morning - December

One of me and Mrs. B too! I've known her since I first moved to town when I was 6 years old. They were our neighbours and I played with her son Marc when we were kids.

Field trip day - June

And today...hard to say goodbye! We had a good year and we were lucky to have her as James's kindergarten teacher!

Big huge hugs!

Look how much James has changed since September!

And of course Jordie had to get one with Mrs. Tula too (just this morning he figured out how to say Mrs. Butula) :)

Thanks so much Brenda for a great year and I hope you enjoy your awesome vacation!

Here is the video that I did with the kids as a year end gift for Mrs. B. We were lucky enough to stay in the classroom for a little bit this morning and we got to watch it with the whole class too :)