I'm so behind this month but it's been a heck of a month with sickness running through our house with everyone getting a cold and just having some really blah days. I've also been working a lot and with getting home at 6pm I'm just not feeling like being at my computer in the evenings much lately.
Here are my favorite photos from our Christmas with the Reimers. We did lots of fun stuff while the kids were here!
Starting off with our photos with Santa!
Then our fun swimming outing! Nana even came too which made it even more fun!
I thought he knew you weren't allowed to dive into the little pool, but apparently not?!?! The lifeguard came over 2 seconds after his head popped up out of the water. I had never seen him do this before and clearly he was pretty proud of himself!
I love this one!
Uncle Jim being a big kid
Jordie was terrified of this thing!
This kid LOVES the pool, just like his big brother!
Wow, does he ever look different, and more grown up without his glasses on!
Cute kids in lockers
Christmas ornament painting! I bought this kit of these things 2 years ago and came across it in the Christmas decoration closet. I'm happy that we did them, we actually had a lot of fun!
James giving his card and present to Rhonda at PR Optometry. This lady has become a big presence in our life with how often his glasses need to be adjusted!
Boys were all dressed up to go see Santa so we tried to get a couple of cute photos.
He was SO excited to see Santa. He kept wanting to run over to him in front of the other kids!
He looks scared but he was just loving on his Papa
One iPad and 4 kids...this happened a lot over the holidays!
Always has to be near Diesel
Eating pizza on Uncle Ben's night to cook
Christmas Eve Winter Wonderland family skating
I was terrified I was going to bail hard...but I did really good and had a great time too!
He loved skating!
Yes, I used this thing for the first few times around the rink
Beautiful Cassidy
He liked the sled but preferred to be pushed on the bar
Thanks to our photographer Chris!
I managed to stop him long enough for a photo with me!
This is Papa Jerry (heheheh...Ash's awesome Dad) taking Jordie for a spin!
A little family selfie in our matching King's sweatshirts!
After skating we stopped by the Tassell's house for some Timbits and chocolate milk
Ms. Maddie just loves James...
...and tolerates Jordie!
Beautiful Christmas Eve sunset
The start of the get together at Mom and Dad's for Christmas Eve
Looking through the cabin photo book to show Cody some old pictures of Tyanna
Uno...the game of the season!
They were quiet so we were good with it!
Jordie loved Uncle Chris
Me and Mowat
And of course he's with Diesel
Good photo of Mom and Teresa
Uncle Ben arrived just in time for Christmas Eve dinner!
These two are so cute and we were so happy they were here this year!
I LOVE this picture of Ang and Bill. It's getting framed on my wall for sure!
3 of my very favorite people ever in one photo!
Here is one of the pans of lasagna that I made
Opening up their PJ present after supper
Putting his ornament on the tree
I love this picture of them all in their PJ's
And of course the other grand kid had to join in too
Attempting one with these 4. James and T look great!
Wearing Auntie Tana's glasses
Ben was just happy to have made it here!
Putting milk and cookies out for the big guy!
And Uncle Cody too
Attacking Uncle Ben
Grandma and Livie
Before bed photos...or the attempt anyways!
Christmas morning stockings!
And the tree
Opening stockings
Jordie's present from Santa
James's present from Santa
I'd say she was happy with what she got!
The huge gift that everyone talked about. It was a cardboard castle from Chris and Teresa for Jordie!
Easily James's most annoying gift...a Minions alarm clock from Nana and Papa. He did also get these crazy loud and obnoxious battery operated drum sticks but they have been put away for a little bit!
I'd be happy with that Lego set too!
I'd say she's happy with the gift Grandma got her!
Jordie helping Nana
Opening his present from Nana and Papa
His present from the Reimers
Something for her new room in the new house
Happy James
Jordie thanking Nana for his Moon Back plaque
Showing Papa
Jim's present from the boys and I
Boys opening their new bed sets from Daddy and I
Breakfast is served! Made by Mowat
Didn't look good but was yummy!
Kids had a blanket picnic
Then Jordie ate some leftover pizza
They broke into a dance party too!
Some Christmas morning selfies!
Breakfast is done and we're finishing opening presents now!
Big hugs for Livie
I always get at least one photo of Livie like this on Christmas morning!
He LOVES these books he got from his brother. We've read each of them all the way through at least 2 times already.
Jordie was happy with his books from B too!
Happy Chris
And happy Jimmy too!
See...he loved them!
Jacob opening his new scooter
Happy girl
Opening their big stack of new Robert Munsch books
Battleship from the Barrows Family!
These two are so cute...and together...so much trouble!
Attempting a family photo but Jordie was having NONE of that!
See....this is what I wanted...but not with my monster toddler! At least the Reimers look good!
He's stolen my job! I always used to oil up the turkey!
And this is his typical frowny face when he isn't getting what he wants.
Now on to Auntie Ra and Uncle Bill's house to open some presents there too
I'm pretty sure this is the wrapping paper that he said was "snazzy"
He LOVES this Wii game from Ang & Bill
Jordie's awesome new BC Ferry...he plays with this all the time!
I can tell from his face that he's yelling "NO, B"
We're home and Jordie is napping so James is trying out his new game.
Now we're dressed at back at N&P's house for supper
I love this lady
Excited with his new game from Auntie Carol & Uncle Garry
Great family photo
Blurry but still cute
These two are best buds
These two are just the best!
Sibling love
These aprons came from Europe
Maybe we do look a little bit alike!
Aaaawww....my handsome fur brother
The MASSIVE 36lb turkey my crazy parents cooked for dinner
Pictures from dinner
Such a great picture of these two!
He didn't eat much dinner, then went over to the counter and grabbed some oranges instead.
My first time playing Monopoly junior :)
Just relaxing after a great dinner
A few more randoms from Christmas night
On Boxing Day Jim and I took the big kids to see the Good Dinosaur as their birthday presents.
And here are some randoms from the week!
This is such a great photo of both of these handsome guys!