Surprise surprise, life happened again and I have again neglected the blog! I am hoping over the fall and winter it will become more of a habit for me and then by the time next summer comes around I'll be a pro and will just be in the groove of posting regularly!
So much fun stuff happened this summer that I will fill you all in over a series of posts over the next few weeks.
Today I leave you with a 2 new pictures, one of Jim and me and one of us with our friends the Slacks and Tassells. These were taken last weekend when my parents took James for 2 WHOLE NIGHTS and DAYS so we could just spend some fun couple time together. We went for dinner with our friends and then played games, stayed up late, slept in late and then spent all day finishing up his big boy room after months of procrastination!
Will be back over the weekend with some more new posts!