Friday, May 19, 2023

His smile melts me…

…and keeps me sane on the days that he drives me insane!

Man do I ever love this dog so much and genuinely enjoy his company a lot of the time but he also drives me completely bat shit crazy sometimes too. The shedding is outrageous and there is hair literally everywhere but he is such a happy and easy going boy for the most part. He’s added a lot of joy into our house, as well as his fair share of ridiculous barking and howling too. If you’ve ever been at the school at the end of the day I’m sure you’ve seen our happy boy surrounded by kids or howling his heart out when his Jordie boy walks towards him! 

Koda is our adventure buddy and comes with us everywhere. He is exactly what I wanted from a dog to join our busy family. He joins us on the seawall and trails for walks, loves to come to the school to pick up his kids (he waits at the door when he knows I’m leaving to get them!), to the baseball parks we spend our evenings at, in the van to drive kids to the complex or dance class and on errands like recycling or the garbage dump. 

He is a goofy character of a dog that has so many wonderful traits and quirks, but also he’s another living breathing creature that I’m responsible for and that weighs on me sometimes too. I’m glad we waited to get a dog until we are in this stage of life. I can’t even imagine what having a dog would have been like for me when I had babies and toddlers. I truly believe he joined our family at the perfect time for us and I couldn’t be happier to have my Koda bear. 

More fun Koda content coming soon! I have tons or videos and photos of him 💙🐾