Thursday, June 6, 2019

Throwback Thursday - The 2 year old Jordie edition

Today on my FB memories I had a bunch of toddler Jordie photos show up, so I decided to do a throwback Thursday post about this special little man.

The biggest thing I remember about Jordie at 2 was how little he talked but how loud he still was despite that. He was a grunter and yeller and a doer. He didn't ask for anything, he just did it himself. He knew how to communicate and get what he needed but didn't feel the need to communicate with us. It drove me crazy and I longed for him to talk, now I long for the quiet once again :)

Not only was he not talking like other kids his age....he was MASSIVE in size too! He was the same size at 2 that I think James was at 3. He was a solid little guy for sure and he played hard and loved hard. 

After a 4 hour play outside he came in and just crashed. Another thing about Jordie was that he LOVES his SLEEP! He was and still is by far my best sleeper. OMG his chubby cheeks and belly in this picture just kill me.

An evening playdate and visit with Auntie Theresa and Kaleb in Nana and Papa's backyard while we were house sitting for one of their vacations. 

The other day I shared videos of both James and Kennedy and how much they were talking at 2! Here is a video at the exact same age as them and he was just starting to make any legible sounds. He was quite delayed in his speech and didn't start really talking until he was much closer to 3. 

Another favorite video from about 6 months later

Here he is a big closer to 3

And just because he was so cute and looks so much like his is a newborn photo of Jordie too.