Even if I haven't shared much since the summer, we have been go, go, go since school started in September. Hockey for both boys, karate for James, swimming lessons for Jordie, slime classes for both, before and after school childcare for friends kids, a crazy toddler, a huge home reno that had us working non stop for 4 full weeks (and away from home as well), just to name a few things!
And just because no post is really complete without a photo...here is a regular attempt at a photo in my world. No one is smiling normally and after 10 shots we abandoned the mission and went to school. Such is life and my goal of the perfect picture just never happens anymore...and I'm more than okay with that! I feel like this photo actually super describes my crazy life. James is fake smiling at me, Jordie is making a face and Kennedy is just trying her best to escape from us all! Hahahahaha