Friday, April 25, 2014

It's the end of an era...Scoot Scoot is gone!

It all started back in 2008 when we bought our townhouse and Jim really wanted some sort of vehicle to get back and forth to work. I knew we couldn't afford the insurance and gas on a second regular vehicle and it just so happened that my Uncle Ron was selling an awesome Honda Jazz so he offered it to us for a smoking deal and that summer when we went on vacation to the Okanagan my parents and I brought it home with us.

Jim drove this thing every day to and from work and it was a wonderful talking point over the years. He loved that it was pink and had white flowers on it and I think got a total kick out of the smiles it brought to people's faces whenever they saw this big guy in work clothes driving it!

It only cost us between 18-21 dollars per month to insure over the years and a tank of gas that lasted over 120 kms was only $6...for premium gas. It was a great vehicle for us over the years, not that I ever drove it!!

Anyways, with Jim away at work it just made sense that it was time for Scoot Scoot to leave our family. We put it in our local newspaper and finally after 6 months we got a call on it! The lady showed up, took it for a test drive, and then offered Jim a relatively good price so the next day it was gone!

The day we brought her home to our new house!

Toddler sized Dane and Linden Slack

And now toddler sized James

Taken back in October when we first put Scoot Scoot up for sale 
and just before Jim left for work.

And a one time only ride on Scoot Scoot on Easter. This was the day she was sold and was given to the new owner two days later!

We'll miss her but she served us well. I hope we see her around town sometimes! :)