Monday, February 10, 2014

This kid is gonna kill me!

Yes....this handsome, adorable, funny, and awesome little man is going to KILL ME!

Oh dear, another edition of James's bad language (well actually maybe that should be Mommy's bad language) hits the blog!

Last night we are all sitting around the table at my parents for Sunday family dinner and James comes out with this gem:

"Hey guys, I have to tell you sumfing" so we all say "okay buddy what is it?"
"A mumth ago, my mom said an adult word to Dane and that word was...FUCK!" Just like that...with the pause and a cheeky little smirk at me when he said it.

Mom, Dad, Ang and Mowat just burst out laughing while I sputtered and tried to contain myself enough to give him trouble. Uncle Larry just kind of kept eating and kept his giggling to a minimum. 

Through my laughter I said to him "Uuummm...I don't deny that I could have said that word but I don't think I said it to Dane" to which he replied "Oh yes you did, at the hockey game"

Oops! He busted me on that one. 

On Friday night (which was 2 nights before, not a mumth ago like in his world) we had walked out of the arena after the game and I said "holy f**k it's cold out here" and yes I will admit that Dane, Theresa and James were all there and yes Dane did giggle when I said it but I assure you I did not outright say that word directly to my little buddy Dane :o)

Oh yeah, and then immediately following the F word debacle and in between all the laughter, he looks right at me and says "another adult word starts with S and that word is Shit"

HHhhmmmm...maybe I should start watching my language? Or maybe I'll just keep telling him that it's an adult word and he isn't allowed to say it but I can because I am an adult!