Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Post #150 - A Barrows Family Update

Well, a quiet moment appears to have come upon my afternoon so I thought I'd sit and write a blog about all that's kept us busy the past 2 months.

The first, best and most important thing is that Jordan is 2 months old today! The little guy isn't so little anymore and is in the cute smiling stage, but is still sleeping lots which is working great for getting out to do fun stuff with James. He is a happy baby that is thankfully sleeping 4-6 hours at night and eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day. He is super adaptable and has done lots of fun stuff already in his short life: a trip up the lake to the cabin, beach days, playground outings, mini golfing, shopping and lots of time spent at Nana & Papa's visiting. We are so enjoying this little guy and loving every minute of having a newborn again. Knowing he may be our last is making me take the extra time to try and savour the baby snuggles and slow down a little and take it all in. Before I know it he will be walking, and talking (although I doubt he will ever get any words in with James around!)

My happy almost 2 month old smiling big!

James is doing great this summer and I am loving being home with him so much. He is absolutely OBSESSED with baseball and plays imaginary ball in the house all day, complete with base running. He has a nice little purple bruise on his cheek from where he fell on the laundry basket in the hallway the other day! He is a funny and happy big guy and is so loving and kind to his brother it makes my heart melt when he asks me every day if he can hug and kiss Jordan. And the way he says his name is something I have got to get a video of! He tells everyone he meets these days: "This is my baby brother, his name is called Jordan Doug-a-wuss" It is just too cute the way he says it. I can't wait until Jordan really starts responding to him and I can tell already that he is going to worship his big brother completely. 

He is so grown up these days!

Jim and I are doing good these days too! Baseball season is almost over after this week and hopefully Jim will be able to play this weekend in the year end tournament. Two weekends ago in the last tournament he slid into second base and hurt his shin/leg and is still paying for it now. The scrape was horrible, and then it got infected so he went onto antibiotics, but even a week later the pain was still bad so off to the ER he went last night. The doctor figures he just hurt a small muscle under his shin so when he's been inactive for a few minutes and then stands up to walk it is a terrible pain. He thinks it will just heal on it's own but 3 games this week plus a whole weekend of ball coming up may prolong the pain a little bit. Luckily he's a tough guy and he'll play with a smile on his face and probably love every minute of it!

As for me, I've been keeping busy since May with our strata. Just a few weeks before Jordan was born our strata's paid secretary resigned and myself and my friend Ashleigh took on the resident manager positions here so we are now doing the administrative work of the strata. It's fun and keeps us busy with a huge project coming up and a special meeting next week to get through, then after that hopefully things will calm down a little bit!

Jim and I are about to celebrate 10 years together in less than 2 weeks! We've been married for 6 years and have decided to take a trip to Seattle with our friends to watch the Toronto Blue Jays play. We are so grateful for the amazing family support of my parents and sister who are taking the kids for us for 3 nights and 4 days. We are both so looking forward to this trip and getting away from it all with our friends, Sean and Ashleigh. Expect at least one big picture heavy blog post from that trip!

The most recent picture taken of us a few weeks ago.
WOW, are my legs ever white?!?!?!

One last AMAZING update that I realize I probably haven't shared anything about since we found out back in mid-June. MY MOM DOESN'T NEED TO HAVE ANY FURTHER CANCER TREATMENTS! No chemo, no radiation, no more surgeries! This was the best news that any of us could have hoped for and something that makes me smile just thinking about how lucky we are that her cancer was caught so early and taken care of with just the one lumpectomy and removal of her lymph nodes. It will of course be monitored closely and she will take yet another medication to add to her daily regimen, but she is CANCER FREE! We are so very thankful for all the kind words given and I appreciate the love and support I got from family and friends that knew how scared I was at the possibility of it being way worse than it was. It is amazing to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and family members.

She is the very best Nana ever! She willingly got into James's pool with him and proceeded to have a super fun time and he just loved it. There is a reason she is almost always referred to as his "best girl"

Note: he is not drowning her in the last picture!

And two more picture because they are just too cute to not share and will probably be reported if I post them on Facebook. There is just something so cute about a bare little boy's bum while he's peeing on the tree! He was told he could only pee in the yard if he was wet so of course as soon as we stripped him to get dressed for supper he happily ran off giggling! hehehehe...memories!

That's it for now! Will be definitely trying to post some more photos from our amazingly awesome summer we are having! Beach day with friends, family visits, mini golfing, Inland Lake, etc. 

Happy Post #150 to me!