2 Months - looking so much bigger now!
And one more just because he's so cute!
Happy 2 months to our big little guy! He is topping the growth charts at a whopping 14 lbs 7 oz and 22.75". I finally got around to putting his birth announcement in the paper this week and I absolutely love it! He is such a happy little guy these days and loves his swing and occasionally laying on the floor on his floor mat. He is a big sleeper and often still just wakes to eat. He is sleeping 5-6 hours for one stretch at night which is really nice and is keeping this Mommy quite well rested. He is now smiling and has even giggled a few times. I love this age so much as they still sleep lots, smile at you and the dreaded teething hasn't started yet! I am loving every minute of having him with us and plan to enjoy him the best I can as I'm pretty sure he's gonna be our last one!