Easter Sunday Morning - 32 Weeks
Due Date: May 22, 2013
Total weight loss/gain: + 18-20 poundsMaternity clothes? Yes of course, starting to look forward to getting back into my regular clothes!
Stretch marks? Yes :o(
Sleep? Still happening but the having to get up to pee thing is getting really old. At least the leg cramps have stopped and James is finally sleeping through the night consistently which is definitely helping too.
Best moment of this week: James asking me to read a story to the baby bear we put in the bassinette in the baby's room...so him and I snuggled on the chair in that room and read a story, right in the middle of our busy day!
Miss anything? The feeling of not having to pee all the time, sleeping through the night, having patience, not being tired.
Movement? Yup, in the past month baby's movements have really increased significantly and it is moving around a ton these days.
Food cravings? Chips, cheezies, slurpees with ice cream
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothig I can think of.
Have you started to show yet? yes of course, the belly is getting big these days but still feels small compared to last time.
Gender: Still not planning to find out and hopefully just one last u/s on April 18 to avoid the inevitable question.
Baby's name: Narrowed down now, will be waiting till baby's birth to announce them officially but lots of people already know!
Labor signs: No, and hoping to have no signs of any labor (or pain for that matter)
Belly button in or out: Almost non existent now.
Wedding ring on or off: Off most of the time but not because I'm swollen but because it's too big and I fear losing it.
Happy or moody most of the time: Relatively good humoured and happy most of the time. Have my crabby and tired days for sure but overall pretty good.
Any mishaps due to pregnancy brain: Not that I can think of.
Similarities/Differences between pregnancies: Still feeling WAY better than I did with James. Almost no heartburn or back/hip pain like last time. Jim said by this time he had been rubbing my back daily for at least a month and now I only get sore if I do too much during the day.
Looking forward to: Last 2 days of work this week and then our trip to Nanaimo this weekend.
Next doctor's appointment: Wednesday, April 10