Another year of Halloween is done! I'm not sad to see the day be done for another 364 more days :)
Anyone who knows me knows I don't love the day (actually I really really dislike it), but I always suck it up and take my kids out because once we get going I always have fun watching them be kids and loving it. I tell myself it's only a few hours of my time and then it's done again. The smiles and laughter and fun is always worth it for me.
Anyone who knows me knows I don't love the day (actually I really really dislike it), but I always suck it up and take my kids out because once we get going I always have fun watching them be kids and loving it. I tell myself it's only a few hours of my time and then it's done again. The smiles and laughter and fun is always worth it for me.
This year we had a unicorn fairy, a Sidney Crosby hockey player and a bandit. When we asked James why he wanted to be something similar to what he was last year he replied that because they got trick or treating taken away last year that he wanted to really enjoy the costume :)
I think this might be the last year for these costumes. Jim wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about wearing them as he has been in past years. Maybe it's time for something new! Any suggestions for EASY costumes, let me know!
She was SO excited to get out there this year!
Very proud of her first pumpkin ever. She designed it and her daddy carved it.
Whew...Mom is almost done!
An hour later and the boys are home with their pillowcases and ready to do the dump and look!
Another year is done and I'm ready to get started on Christmas now!