Sunday, April 9, 2017

36 weeks - 9 months

To celebrate this last pregnancy I really wanted to have a fun photo shoot when my belly was the biggest it was likely to get. So I talked to my bestie photo friend Jenn about doing a 36 week photo shoot for me that I felt would really just be me and the belly. I wanted to have my hair in pig tails, no make up and I even went and bought some cute new pink polka dot PJ's (which I would have never normally worn before). I am so grateful to Jenn for always being open to helping me to get the photos that I dream about...and these were no exception. Some really cute photos were captured that I know I will cherish forever.

I'll start this last belly post with photos of the belly and the Build-A-Bear that Tyanna and Cody got for baby girl. They named her Ruby and I love her and can't wait for the first picture of baby girl with her on the day she's born! Tyanna has now bought all 3 of the kids bears for their  monthly photos and I love how special that is for our kids.

These PJ's are really so comfy and I can't wait to rock them at the hospital!

How are we already just days away from meeting our little girl?

I didn't love the K photos we took in the studio a few weeks ago so we tried again with a bigger belly and some adorable little ladybugs that are going in her nursery. I felt like the other one was missing something, but these ones are perfect (must be the ladybugs!)

And the most adorable little pink shoes that matched my PJ's perfectly!

I love this photo so much because this is just so ME! I look exhausted (because I was) and I just look so normal with my pigtail braids, no make-up, squinty eyes and bags under my eyes. It's truly a photo I know I will love forever and a moment I will remember too. It is exactly what I wanted. 

When I sent these photos to Tyanna she even commented that she really liked them because they were so very me. She said the other ones didn't look as much like me because I don't usually dress up like that very much. :)

I wasn't sure I'd share these next few photos but then decided "to hell with it...I look cute in them!" I am sharing them only in this post. I wanted to be brave and step out of my comfort zone a little bit (or at least the best you can while in a bra and feeling huge at 36 weeks pregnant) and I'm proud that I did it.

This one shows how strange my belly button looks to me. With the boys my belly button went completely flat but this time it's got this weird bump thing at the very top that feels like a weird little hernia type that can be pushed in and out. I don't know whether it's because I only gained around 15lbs with this pregnancy but for whatever reason it's just really different this time. And I don't feel like I spread out as much with this baby, she seemed to be all just little basketball in the front. I can't wait to see how big she ends up being!

And another silhouette showing off the biggest belly! 

The baby shifted just seconds before this photo was taken and she was pushing out so hard (which I think is why my belly looks so huge in this photo!)

HUGE thanks to Jenn Parkin for the amazing images that she has captured for us during this pregnancy. I can't wait to see (and share) the gorgeous newborn photos that I'm sure we will capture too!

Messages to our baby girl

Daddy's Message
Hello baby girl, this is Daddy. I'm just packing my bag to begin the final leg of this wonderful journey. I am so excited. I can't wait to finally meet you and see what you look like. See if you have lots of hair to explain mama's heartburn. What color it is, your eyes, your ears. I can't believe we are finally going to meet you, I'm so happy. You are already so so so loved, not just by me, but everyone, especially your two brothers. You're in for a treat, let me tell you. I sure hope you have a big personality because you're going to need it with these two. I suppose we shall soon see. Love you lots and I'll see you soon. Bye.

Mommy's Message
Hello little lady! I can't believe that in just a few short days you will be here and in my arms and in my heart forever. It's been a long 9 months since we found out you were joining our family and I wish that when I found out you were coming that I had been more excited and less scared but since finding out you are a girl my excitement has grown each and every day. I can't wait to meet you and form a bond with you that I know will be unbreakable. The past 4 months have been really hard for me and many times I sat and talked to you and told you that together we would get to that operating room safely and that we will both make it out of there alive too. I love you so much already and I can't wait to see your beautiful little face, snuggle you tight and never let go. 
The love that your brothers have for you is incredible already and I am so looking forward to the moment that they meet you for the first time. James loves you like crazy and is going to be the very best big brother in the whole world and Jordie will smother you with kisses and hugs and tell you every single day how much he loves you. They will protect you and take care of you and will always be there for you, just like Daddy and I will. 
Speaking of that Daddy guy...I give it less than a month before you have him wrapped completely around your little finger. He was always meant to have a little girl and I can't wait to see the hair styles you give him and the nail polish he lets you paint on his nails, but I also know he will teach you to wrestle and beat the crap out of anyone that gives you any trouble (including those big brothers of yours). I hope you are a great combination of him and me, but I do hope you get my ears and his nose. I am not so secretly hoping you come out with red hair as this is our last chance for our little ginger. I'm so curious who you will look like...will it be me? Or Daddy? Or your brothers? Will you have tons of hair...or absolutely none at all? 
I promise to always love you even in the rough teenage years when I am in my 50's (wow, Mommy is old already!) and you will be challenging I'm sure...if you are anything like me and your Daddy. I hope you are an independent and spirited little girl that doesn't hesitate to tell people what you think and to stand up for yourself. I hope you always have the courage to be exactly who you are meant to be and I hope that Daddy and I can do you proud and raise you up to be the best little girl and grown woman that you can be. Love Mommy

James & Jordie's Messages
I had hoped to type out some short messages from the boys to their sister...but then realized these kids are true Barrows and they are Jim & I's kids and neither of their messages were brief. So instead, I and will share the full videos below (as well as some highlights I managed to pick out from the rambling!) :)
Highlights include:
"Hi baby sister, I'm your biggest brother James"
"I would really like to teach you when you grow up about the rules of hockey, and soccer, and all the sports that I know and play"
"I really hope you are cute when you come out and really recognize my voice"
"I hope that you will have green eyes...."
"I would also like to help you with your math when you have homework to do"
"3 sleeps till you come baby, I can't wait for you to come"

Highlights include:
"Hi baby sister"
"4 more sleeps and then you're gonna come out"
"I want to sing her a song, the song me and Nana sing (the I Love You Song)"
Mommy: What are you most excited about her coming?
Jordie: "About her being a girl"
Mommy: Who will she look like?
Jordie: "A girl...she's going to look like you Mom"
"She gonna have blue eyes like you and James cause she's a girl and you're a girl..."
"She gonna have pretty hair, and pretty dresses, and pretty stuff to play with....and she's gonna have pretty shoes"
Mommy: Are you gonna let her play with your toys?
Jordie: "Of course, so I don't have to play by myself, then I will get to play with my baby when she comes out"
"I'll tell you and baby right now....uummmm I don't remember, oh wait I remember, I love you and thank you."

How will your life change after the baby comes?
I anticipate many changes when we are home and starting to get settled into our new life together as a family of 5. I know the first few months will be rough because I've done this two times before, but I also know that the first time that little lady smiles at me and laughs at her brothers it will all be totally worth it. I said before deciding to have a third child that I wasn't feeling very challenged and I knew I was up for the busyness that would come with another baby and I am really looking forward to it to be honest with you. I love being busy and I can only imagine what life will be like when she's in school and has her own activities to get to along with the boys activities. It's gonna be crazy...and hopefully I'll love every second of it like I do already.

Is the nursery ready to go?
It's kind of ready, but certainly not as done as I would have liked it to be, but with the last month being very busy and me being very tired I just didn't have it in me to really focus on it. The important things are done and the rest of the decor type stuff can be completed once we are home. She is going to sleep in our room in a bassinet for a few months anyways so I'm not too concerned about it. Once it's all done I'll make sure to share photos of it because I'm already so proud of the work that we've done on it and can't wait to show off the final products we've created (or will create!). For now I'll just share a few little sneak peeks (most of which were already on Instagram). 

I wanted this design but figured we had run out of time (and I was out of energy and patience) so had resigned myself that they would just be red and black with polka dots. Then my mom bought us some adorable ladybug chip clips and when Jim saw them he said he could copy the design onto the stools. He spent a few nights (and early mornings) getting these things done before baby came. Aren't they adorable?!

Clothes are all put away and ready for little lady's arrival home. This was pretty much the only thing that I knew I HAD to get done in order to feel okay about being ready enough, and once this was done I felt so much more content and nested.

Pictures printed and framed but not quite up on the walls yet!

And of course I loved the photos so much that this was a priority to get done too, although actually putting them up didn't ever hit the top 10 of the most important things to get done. This will definitely get done when we get home and are recovering. It's something I can sit in the chair in her room and feed her while her Daddy does the hammering!