Thursday, January 26, 2017

I've been a bit MIA...and exhausted...and just kind of overwhelmed

I always get sad when I don't blog regularly, but then the evening comes after putting the boys to bed and all I want to do is lay on the couch and have Jim rub my feet or my back...or lately my ever expanding hips. I don't feel like sitting in my chair typing with my computer on my lap, or uploading photos, or even thinking, to be honest. But I do miss it. I miss those photos and putting my thoughts and memories down for records sake. Since returning to work in early January it has felt like a lot of effort to get motivated to be at work 5 days a week, all the while spending far too much time thinking and worrying about the next few months and the health of me and my little lady. Back in December when we had our ultrasound there were some complications mentioned and I will admit it's been harder than normal for me to focus on any tasks, whether at work or at home. I'm a bit of a worrier and this situation has brought out that worst side of me!

I will get back at it soon...with a bunch of draft posts that are just waiting for me to finish. It's definitely time for a pregnancy update about everything that's been going on and the plan for baby girl's delivery. Its a doozy and something I'm still trying to wrap my head around and maybe writing about it will help, but maybe it will just make you all think I'm totally crazy!

For now is a little tiny sneak peek at one part of baby girl's nursery! It has been started and I'm really hoping that before I hit the 3rd trimester in just a few weeks that it will be mostly done so I can start to take it easy as the doctors are telling me to. I'm really lucky that Ash & Jim are taking on the painting of the room...all I have to help with is the clean up of all the old boy stuff (almost done) and a couple of small decorating type things that Theresa is going to help me with. :) I can't wait to show you all of it after she is born and her name is revealed (and no, we haven't chosen her name yet!)