Little Miss Barrows is due to arrive on May 4th, however, because of placenta complications the doctor has said he will deliver her as close to 37 weeks as he can. Well, that's all well and good, except that the day I turn 37 weeks is actually James's 7th birthday, followed one day later by Good Friday and the Easter Weekend.
So, when I went to see the doctor I told him that April 13th was the only day in April that if we could avoid delivering her I'd like to. He checked his little date wheel thing when he told me he would deliver her as close to 37 weeks as possible and then just kind of giggled when he realized that that was in fact the one day I requested that she not be born.
Fast forward a few days later and I was talking to James about baby girl's birth day and how she may end up having to share a birthday with him and he said ever so calmly to me:
"It's okay Mom, I don't mind if she shares my birthday."
Then this conversation followed:
I said "really bud, are you sure?"
And he said "yeah Mom, it will be easier for you because you will only have to make one cake then"
I said "oh that's very sweet of you honey, but what kind of cake would be make then?"
He said "well half princess something for her....and half Darth Vader for me"
And just like that, my wonderful almost 7 year old big guy said he is more than fine with sharing his day with his little sister and having a princess Darth Vader cake. He honestly doesn't care if he ends up sharing the day and I really truly believe that he would forever be fine with sharing it with her too. I guess now we just wait to see what day she does end up arriving and if for the next several years I somehow pull off some strange double themed cake because he so generously said he was fine with it. :) I love that kid so much and this little lady in my tummy doesn't even know how lucky she is to have him watching over her and wanting to always be there to protect her. I can't wait to see how this relationship grows over the years.
And here's an adorable photo of James so patiently waiting for her to kick his hand. He, unlike his little brother, has gotten to feel her move a few times because he can actually sit quietly and wait for her to make her move. He thinks it's really neat to feel her inside of there and every night he kisses the belly and tells her that he can't wait to meet her when she's ready to come out.