Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's the little things that matter....

Sometimes the little things in life are way more important and more special than the big things. Some very small things that made this day bearable include:

* Having bosses and coworkers that covered for me this afternoon because my throat was sore and I was feeling awful and just wanted to come home and rest.
* Getting a phone message from my Mom from her cell phone offering to pick James up for me because she knew I was home sick (unfortunately I missed the call as I had JUST left to get him)
* Picking James up from the sitters to hear that he had a fantastic day with ZERO TUPS (timeouts in James speak)
* Coming home and enjoying a cup of tea while James played quietly by himself.
* Deciding to make my son Kraft Dinner which he loves and knowing he would eat it.
* Having him "help" me make it and being so excited to help that he ran into the dining room, grabbed a chair and pushed it through the hallway to the kitchen so he could stand on it near the countertop.
* Watching him polish off a huge bowl of it and then make me even prouder when he drank the remainder of the cheesy milk from the bottom of the bowl. My Mom has taught him well!
* Singing songs together in the bathtub.
* Giggling with him while he got his PJ's on.
* Blow drying his hair and watching him grab the hairbrush to brush his hair and then tell me that he was "handsome" when he looked at himself in the mirror. Then he grabbed the waterbowl and tried to spray me in the face with it. Daddy has taught him so well!
* Having James ask me to read him a book that I have loved since he was a baby and previously he never wanted me to read it, but tonight he requested it! I used to read it to him all the time when he was a baby but as he got older it was too much of a story for him. It's called the Snail and the Whale and I just love it!
* Reading our favorite book "I Love You So" and then snuggling up while I sang him some lullabies and he went to bed happy.

What a great day this turned out to bed, even if I am feeling crappy!