Yes it's finally time to announce our good news!
I am 12 weeks pregnant with our second little Baby Barrows. He or she will make their appearance sometime in mid to late May. We are all super excited and so far this pregnancy is WAY better than mine was with James. I'm not nearly as sick and the heartburn has been almost non-existent compared with the almost constant heartburn last time.
We feel incredibly lucky and fortunate to have gotten pregnant again right away and feel very blessed to be adding another child into our family, to go along with our crazy, loving, handsome and smart little guy.
Now the long wait continues until we find out what the gender is. We are those rare breed these days that won't find out before he or she is born! It was the only thing last time that kept me going! :o)
Busy mom, 3 amazing kiddos....navigating a new chapter of life after my recent separation
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Fall fun
I love my husband. He is so good with James and loves being outside with him. This morning I called over to my parents where they were staying (I stayed at home last night) and was surprised when no one answered at 9:30am. I finally heard from them at 10:15 when they came inside for a pee break. When I got here at 10:30 my son was happier than a pig in poo, dirty and wet from the grass but happier than I've seen in days. He thrives on being outside, especially when it comes to his T-ball set, soccer ball and playing with his Daddy. I of course got out the camera and took some photos and an awesome video of them cleaning up the leaves in Nana and Papa's yard.
Jumping out of the leaves to "surprise" me.
Instead of high fives we are now doing high two's!
The kids got a pretty wicked arm already!
Time to put him to work raking the leaves again!
Pushing Daddy over...and loving every second of it!
And a super cute video too!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Anyone who knew me before I became a mother knew how much I hated Halloween. Ever since the year my parents split up and it was pouring rain and my mom took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant and got me the candy I wanted, I have not liked Halloween. It's never been a secret that my mom doesn't like it either and I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! I hate scary movies, haunted houses and anything with any kind of creepiness to it. In the years before I had James I was sure I would never again like it, but I was wrong, becoming a Mommy opened my heart and mind to try and enjoy this crazy made up holiday! I've even gotten dressed up the past two years since I've worked at the Peak.
Overall it was a great Halloween and I'm already really looking forward to next year!
Here's a few pictures from the night James tried on his super adorable
Lightning McQueen racecar driver costume.
Lightning McQueen racecar driver costume.
Maegan and I all dressed up in our fishing/hunting gear for Halloween day at the Peak.
Halloween night getting ready at Nana and Papa's to head out trick or treating
Trick or treating at our friend's houses
Was in the neighbourhood so stopped and saw Ted Rodonets and his awesome Halloween set-up.
I have so many great memories of Halloweens as a young teen spent with Jan & Ted's daughter Jody. So great to have my son be able to participate in something I did love about Halloween when I was younger.
I have so many great memories of Halloweens as a young teen spent with Jan & Ted's daughter Jody. So great to have my son be able to participate in something I did love about Halloween when I was younger.
Had to hit up Nana's for just one more handful of candy before heading home.
One last stop at the Tassell's, he is seconds away from crying here because the fireworks had started and he was scared.
Home now and ready to eat supper, have a bath, read stories and go to bed!
Our only two little trick or treaters, Cora and Jaxon. James was so cute handing them the candy bowl and telling Cora "I like your wings"
Overall it was a great Halloween and I'm already really looking forward to next year!
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