Happy Birthday James (and Freedo too!)
The day really got started when the boys and I took Nana to our favorite restaurant, Magpie's Diner for breakfast. Eggs Benny for us and a Mickey Mouse pancake for the birthday boy!
Next up was driveway hockey at Nana & Papa's while we waited for Putters to open for mini golfing and ice cream.
Then my big guy and I were off to enjoy some fun birthday mini golfing while Jordie too a nap at N&P's house.
Then we headed to pick up the baby and went home for some painting for James and mess-free finger painting for Jordie.
Then it was lunch and trampoline jumping on the deck.
After Jordie's afternoon nap we headed back to N&P's where we sat and watched Papa and James play baseball and soccer. It was an absolutely gorgeous sunny day and we loved it!
The birthday boy's requested Sunday dinner...hot dogs and nachos!
After these photos were taken we moved inside and talked to Daddy on FaceTime and let James open his gift from us...a gift certificate for his first pet....a FISH! We had a huge birthday party planned for a few days later so this years present was a small one :)