Thursday, May 29, 2014

Quotes from James

The past month or so James has said some odd, funny and downright adorable things and I've been recording them in hopes of creating this blog post. Here they are:

The first one is my favorite and was literally said in all seriousness to Jim and I at the dinner table:
"Maybe one day you guys will die..."
We paused just long enough to look at each other like "what the hell do we say to that?" and he follows it up with
"...and then I'm gonna go and play some hockey!"
We laughed that perhaps is hockey obsession had gone just a bit too far :)

The next two things were said to Jordan while my sister was watching them for me.

Andra closed the door to their room (here at my parents they are sharing the spare room) and Jordan fussed a little and he said to him
"It's okay Jordie, I'm still here for you"

When I FaceTimed with them from Vancouver and Jordan saw my face he screeched (as he often does when he recognizes people on there) and James said to him
"It's okay Jordie, your mom will come back one day"

We were talking to James about teaching Jordan how to talk because up to this point he doesn't really say too much, he just really screeches and points and screams and babbles Mamamamama, and we said that one of his first real words will be some form of James because this kid is obsessed with his big brother.
So the next day I hear James saying to Jordan
"Just say James, just try it, just say James....or you can call me Averman"

Again at the dinner table we were talking to James about a very hypothetical 3rd child down the road and what should we name this baby if we had another boy (our girl name is still waiting to be used!) and he so seriously said
"uummmm, you could just name him Averman"
Jim and I laughed out loud and said that no that most definitely would not be a baby's first name :)

Yesterday I went to pick up James from school and his awesome preschool teacher Janet came up to me and said she had to tell me the funniest thing ever.
So he was sitting playing with a car, and was for once playing quietly alone, but apparently the other kids were being very noisy and he looked at Janet and said "It's so loud in here that I can't hear myself think"
I reminded him last night that perhaps the next time he is talking really loud and being the noisy kid that he should think about that moment. She mentioned that it was just so funny because he is usually always one of the kids making the most noise :)

Today he told me while he was unloading the dishwasher (chores start early in our family!) that he was just "too busy working right now to talk to me".

This kid cracks me up on a daily basis with the stuff that he says. We've finally appeared to get the swearing under control and he definitely knows he isn't allowed to say adult words, but once in awhile one slips out and we have a little giggle about it. What can I say? He is definitely Jim and I's kid! :)
Two cute boys attempting to do Grumpy Faces