From my FB Post today: This day is about honoring great Moms out there so I'm taking my moment to honor ME, because although I by no means think I'm a perfect Mom I do know that I love my boys with all of my heart and do everything I can to show them that every single day. I make my mistakes and don't always do the best, but I know that I am doing a great job with them on most days. I am proud of myself and the Mommy I have become to James and Jordan and I focus on the good days and try to put the bad days behind me. I learned from the best and plan to keep trying to get better every year that passes. To all the other amazing Mommy friends of mine out there...don't forget to honor yourself today too, because you all are wonderful mothers too to your little ones! I love you all!
Today is feeling a little bit bittersweet for me. I love Mother's Day and everything it does to make Mommy's feel loved and appreciated and today I know how loved and appreciated I am, but I feel a bit like one of my limbs is missing with Jimmy away. I felt like this on James's birthday too, but just like that day I am choosing to pick myself and remember why we are doing this, to better our family, and I just keep on going. But man do I miss him. And not just because I know I wouldn't have to do any mommy type stuff today as he would do it, but because with him here everything in the world just seems better, and more fun, and more happy too. James has been really clingy and quieter than normal today and I wonder if he picks up on it too. Anyways, enough about those thoughts! On to the good stuff about Mother's Day!
Before Jimmy left for work the other day he made sure to get me my cards and a great hanging basket plant for our deck (although will have to remember it for the month we are housesitting at N&P's)!
I love James's smiley face on the envelope of my card!
James came home from school last week with some awesome Mother's Day gifts he made for me.
They totally melted my heart!
If you can't tell yet, I'm a total sucker for all things with pictures of my kids so this magnet clip holding this picture of James just made my whole day. I literally had a smile on my face for hours afterwards!
This was what I woke up to this morning! This smiley guy and his big brother who wished me a Happy Mother's Day once I told him we were going to come downstairs and open up my cards. I don't think he had remembered on his own but it was special nonetheless!
Don't mind my terrible hair, but my kids look as awesome as always!
As has become our tradition we end up having Sunday family dinner as brunch instead on both Mothers Day and Fathers Day. This year it was at my sisters house and they made the most incredible homemade Eggs Benny I've ever tasted! YUMMY!
This kid is totally in love with his Papa. His eyes light up when he sees him come into a room and he always gets the best hugs and snuggles.
Playing peekaboo with his Papa
Here are the handmade cards that James and I made for Nana, Auntie Ra, Bumma and Auntie Mowat, along with the photos everyone got too.
Of course I tried to get some good photos of me and the boys throughout the day, and I think I succeeded, kind of. It's hard to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time, but oh well, these are memories we are making!
Two cute moments today...both boys playing in their Daddy's big rain boots.
And a rare photo of just me
My most cherished memories today were:
(1) When James was snuggled up on me at Auntie Ra's house and just didn't want to move, but couldn't tell me why. All he kept saying was "I just want to be close to you Mom." He was definitely out of sorts today and I wish for a second I could have just taken in all those good snuggles and been less worried about why he was acting so funny. Those kinds of snuggles are hard to come by these days!
(2) My goodnight hugs and kisses from Jordan. He is finally able to really give good squeezy hugs and has started to give cheek squeezer kisses too where he puts his hands on each side of your face and then just opens his mouth wide to yours and gives kisses. Big baby Jordie hugs are the best, he wraps his arms around you and then will squeeze tight and put his head on your shoulder. Absolutely heart melting and I could't be happier to be the recipient of many of those hugs and kisses these days.I am truly loved and appreciated today and always and I love my boys with all of my heart. Thank you to James and Jordan for making me a Mommy, my favorite and best job I've ever had! I love you both so much.