On the last day of Jim's days off from his previous company he was called and told he was being laid off, not because he wasn't doing good, he just fell as one of the lowest on the totem pole. Not even 24 hours after I posted on FB about his layoff one of my mom's best friends that works in Fort McMurray sent me a message saying she was interested in talking to Jim about going up there for a job.
Fast forward 4 days later and the deal was done and the flights were booked. He will be working a 10 on/4 off shift which definitely has its pros and cons. It will be GREAT to see him more often, but we will definitely have to make the most of the 3 days he is home. Thankfully with his sister living in Richmond he is able to fly back to BC and stay overnight with her on his last day of work, and then fly home first thing in the morning on his first day off.
I'm sad and anxious about the costs of him being up there but really hoping that the opportunities for advancement that this company is offering will make his decision worth it in the end. Only time will tell if the right decision was made....but what I do know is that I couldn't be prouder of that man that I fell in love with all of those years ago. He has proven to me and all that know him that he is not only willing to work for his family, but to work hard and sacrifice time with his boys for it. I am grateful that he trusts me on this end and I know that he is proud of what I'm doing too. Some days this lifestyle is no joke and it's hard as hell, but we both know why we are doing it and as long as it's working for us we'll keep doing it. We are saving for our future and the promise of a better life for all of us.
Jimmy ~ James and Jordan couldn't be luckier to have a Daddy like you and don't ever forget how much you mean to them and to me. You are their world and they look to you to teach them how to grow up to be strong, supportive and hard working men like you are. We are all so proud of you and will be thinking of you as you start your new job tomorrow!
My three handsome J's