Just one month to go until you are ONE!
This month saw a few big changes, but one thing that hasn't changed is your weight. You were 26 lbs 12 ounces on both April 17 and two weeks later on May 1. We used to think you were so big because you were almost 25 lbs at 7.5 months old but have only gained less than 2 pounds since then. You are still a big boy compared to many other babies but we don't seem to get the same amount of comments about it that we used to!
You are really starting to show your personality a bit more these days too. You are in a loud screeching phase and will just randomly let loose when you want James and I to pay attention to you or if you feel you
have been left in one place for too long. You also get a very excited screech going when you see Daddy or Nana on FaceTime. You are still just babbling with no real sign of words yet. Mommy hears the occasional mamamama but until you repeat it to me when asked I'm not calling it a word :)
You are still a really good sleeper and back to napping twice a day, even if one of them is quite short you still seem to need a morning nap no later than 10 am or you get super grumpy. You go to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 and sleep until between 6 and 6:30 every morning. You rarely wake up at night and if you do I'm usually so shocked that I just jump right out of bed, but really you calm down very quickly if you do wake up. You are very used to your crib these days and really love your Scout dog and your own blanket and seem to have troubles settling at Nana and Papa's unless you have these things with you. So, for now they go with us when we go to stay there to ensure some peaceful sleep for you. Over time I'm sure you will get to used to being without them but we'll work on that.
You are now just finishing up your last box of Size 4 diapers but really should be in Size 5 probably! We have also brought out all of the 18-24 month clothes, some of which we are finding are already too small for your big belly! Of course they are all hand me downs from James so I'm sure some of them have shrunk as I know he wore that size for close to a year and they were well worn...or at least that's what I'm telling myself because how is it possible that my not quite 1 year old is already almost fitting into 24 month and 2T clothes?
This month saw another big holiday too with your first Easter! Grandpa Barrows came to visit as it was also James's birthday party weekend. We had so much fun this year with an Easter egg hunt and dinner at Nana and Papa's. You tried lots of yummy desserts that night and ended up with a tummy ache that had you, Mommy and Daddy awake that night many many times! Too many new foods in one night!
This month saw you having fun with some baby friends, some family swimming while Daddy was home, a hike up Valentine Mountain with Daddy and James, Airplane Park time with Mommy, your 3rd tooth and learning how to crawl backwards down the stairs!
I can't believe that in just a few short weeks you will be a whole year old already! Where has the time gone? I love you so much Jordan and I am so proud to have a son like you. You are already keeping me on my toes and I fear (and look forward to) the toddler years with you as I suspect you will not be nearly as agreeable or easy going as your brother was. You already have a stubborn streak in you that I can't wait to see how and when and where you end up showing it to us! I'm up for the challenge and I wake up every single day looking forward to seeing you and getting my hugs and kisses!
And going back to the very beginning again!