Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This kid is really too much...

I'm realizing the more time I spend with my son just how out there he is in the stuff he says and I realize also how much he picks up on what we say and mimics us!

Today alone I've heard the following out of his little mouth:
"Ummm...I'm not going to wear big boy underwear today" - Okay, then you can go back to bed until you are ready to wear them.

Cmon James we are going to Ashleigh's for a minute - "Nope, not today we aren't"

"MOM, we didn't get dressed today!" - No James we didn't, it's a PJ day. - "Holy F***" - yup I'm sorry to say I said that word twice yesterday (although not in that context) so clearly it's why he spouted it off today!

"Mom, I have to go off the deck now" - No you don't James - "Yes I do, I have an important meeting to go to" - No, James you stay on the deck!  2 minutes later "I really have to go Mom, my meeting is starting"

James, please don't do that, get off that thing - "No, I'm trying to get up on it" "I'm the boss, boss, boss."

* I am realizing even more every day how funny and talkative this kid is and some of the stuff he says is just too funny! Keep reading as I'm sure now that I'm home with him all the time I will have plenty of things to blog about :o)

A Mommy/James outtake from the Freedo session yesterday. I look rough but he looks cute!

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