Words to live by in this season of life.
Every day I get up and try my best. Some days I get lots done and I meet everyone's needs and demands, and on some days I just barely get through the day. People ask me almost every day how I'm doing and I always say, I'm surviving.
I look forward to the day (hopefully in the near future) where I can say that we are all thriving. We aren't there yet, but I have hope that we will get there.
These 3 have my whole heart. One day I will write about each of them and how incredible they are. Those that know and love them are lucky. Every day I feel lucky to be their Mom. I realize I don't share nearly enough photos of them, so here they are.
Learning how to do the clock at hockey...and killing it! A job that many adults are afraid to do and this little lady sat down and was a rockstar at it.
Our bronze medal winning boy! Played an incredible home tournament with his 13C team. One more away tournament next week in Comox and then hopefully the Stars one in town at the end of March and then his season will be over.
Our biggest guy with his D partner and buddy Carson at the hot dog sale yesterday. His smile just warms my Mama heart.
And one of all 3 just because - Super sweet moment captured yesterday! Teaching sister how to play baseball so she's ready when her season starts in a few weeks. Yes, for the first time ever, all 3 Barrows will be playing baseball so our evenings from April - June will be jam packed.