Thursday, August 21, 2014

Missing you already Lisa

This girl was a serious life saver and best buddy in those first hard months after Jim went away to work.

One night I know I'll never forget she came over for dinner and it had been a really rough day with a very cranky baby Jordie. I hadn't showered all day and I even made us grilled cheese and soup for supper (it is one of her favorites so I knew she didn't mind!). After dinner I clearly looked exhausted and just wanted to bathe the kids, have a shower and get to bed and my dear sweet Lisa looked at my and said the magic words "you just go upstairs and have a long hot shower by yourself and I'll watch the boys for you". 

Any moms out there can appreciate what a true gift this was and I bet she didn't even realize it at the time how special it really was for me. 

30 minutes later I came downstairs feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the bedtime routine, where I find all the dishes done and the boys snuggled up with her on the couch. I took Jordie upstairs for a quick bath and Lisa got James ready for bed, brushed his teeth and read him his bedtime stories. It was a break that I truly needed to get through the final few days before Jim came home after 21 days away. 

Many other times she came to my rescue....sitting with Jordie while I ran to get James from preschool....watching them so I could run to the drugstore when they were sick....while I went to walmart or save-on alone....Canada Day when Jordie and I were sick so she took him to the party at the park so he wouldn't miss out...or the most recent when she came to watch James while I took Jordie to the ER because I thought he had an ear infection. 

She was always just a phone call or text away and for that I am so grateful. 

Now it's her turn to do her thing as she's moved back to Nanaimo to go to school. The 10 months we spent with her made us grow that much closer and I truly count her as one of my best friends in the world. 

Me and my 3 J's couldn't be happier than seeing you so happy, content and dare I say a little bit settled in life. I'm so proud of you Lisa and love you to death. Keep in touch and come visit us when you are in PR again, even if all you have time for is a quick hug! 

A few quick iPhone pics of our last Lisa hugs for awhile! 

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