My last picture of my not quite 1 year old.
Bright and early the next morning! Happy Birthday Jordie Boy!
Breakfast FaceTime with Nana & Papa in Europe
Wants to "help" do the dishes
Forced snuggles with Mommy
Mommy and Jordie watched Daddy and James power wash Jordie's new castle climber
About to do his favorite thing...EAT!
hahahahahaha...I love these next two photos!
Castle is all clean and put together and it's time to explore it
Mommy's friend Shannon and her little guy Robert came by for a visit too
Such a boy...not interested in going up the ladder, only up the slide!
Home for some quick birthday photos with Harris and his parents
Off to Magpie's for dinner...and apparently some drinks for Jordie too beer was actually drunk by any babies at this time
But tons of food was of course eaten!
It's tiring business eating so much!
Time for cupcakes for everyone.
hahahahaha...awesome photo!
So looks like his Daddy in this picture
Love that the angry eating face made an appearance
Awesome father/son moment captured on camera
Overall we had such a great day celebrating your first birthday! Next blog post will be photos from your birthday party!