Sunday, June 1, 2014

Another big change for the Barrows family...but this time it's about me!

Ever since Jim left to go away to work back in October I've struggled with my decision to return to work. I knew in my heart that I was never meant to be a stay-at-home mommy, but I also knew that I no longer want to work full-time either. I only did it in the past because financially it was what we needed to do. Jim and I feel strongly that with their Daddy away for much of the month that the boys deserve to have more of me than they would if I worked full-time.
I had always intended to return to work at the Peak after Jordan's first birthday and I was very thankful that my boss agreed to let me return on a part-time basis and to share my job with the girl that was doing it while I was on maternity leave. It was going to work out perfectly...that was until I realized that not only was I sure I wanted to only work part-time, I was also sure that I needed a change and would probably be happiest in a new job environment. I'm not sure if I really know or understand what it was about returning there that made me question everything, but it was just a gut feeling I was having that the Peak was no longer where I belonged.
My priorities have completely changed twice in the last year, both when Jordan was born and again when Jim went away to work. I had started to feel that as the needs of our family changed that the Peak just wasn't the right fit for me anymore. I started to look for something else but also knew that if nothing else came along (we do live in a small town and good paying admin jobs are hard to come by) that I would return there until I found something else that would work for me and my boys. In late April I was looking through the Peak and came across an ad for administrative position openings at our local Vancouver Island University campus. I have completed all of my post secondary education at this school, either here in PR or at the Nanaimo campus.
I redid my resume which I hadn't had to do in years and sent it off with a hope and a prayer of at least getting an interview. When I got the call that I had been short-listed I felt relief, and sadness too, at both the possibility of getting the job and not getting it. I had very mixed emotions about leaving the Peak but knew it was right for us, if I was offered the position. I will miss my boss Joyce a lot as I've worked for her in some capacity or another with the Peak, Torch Relay/Spirit Committee and Disability Games for almost 7 years now. Many of my coworkers have genuinely become my friends as well and I will miss the fun and relaxed work environment, as well as birthday cake celebrations for all employees!
I went into that interview so very nervous, but also ready to completely rock it, and I think I did! The next day I was offered an amazing permanent part-time position. I sat in my van and just grinned from ear to ear. I was so happy. Happy for a new beginning for me and for the chance at a job that will offer room for advancement and higher wages over the years. Not to mention a month long layoff every summer and being off every year between Christmas and New Years with my family (I had worked every year I was at the Peak).
I start my new job as Campus Services Clerk at VIU on Monday morning and for the next 3 months will be working a varying schedule of shifts for training in anticipation of two of the admin staff retiring in late August. Once school starts in September the hours will go down to 17.5 hours per week until early January when they get bumped back up to 28 hours for a few weeks. The position works out to 9 months per year of 17.5 hours per week, 2 months of 28 hours per week and 1 month mandatory seasonal layoff (how awesome is that with kids?!). It is a union position with a great wage, benefits and a pension. I really couldn't have asked for a better job for me and my family. Another great thing is the way the rotating schedule will work in the fall will have me basically working for a week and then being off for a week. It's a really neat schedule where you work Wed-Fri and then Mon-Wed so your 6 days are all back to back. I think it will work out great for us, especially with my week off falling when Jim is home :)
So, not only am I switching jobs, but with the change to my schedule working till 7 pm for 4 of the 6 shifts we needed a new sitter as our previous one only worked till 5. I also really needed someone who will feed them supper, bathe them and get them ready for bed so when I am off at 7 all I have to do is bring them home, brush teeth, read some books and have some evening snuggles (my favorite parts of the evening routine). The feeding dinner and bathing part, as I've learned since Jim left is not so much fun when you do it all the time. I think I only ever bathed James a handful of times in his whole life before that, it was just always Daddy/James special time :)
We have found an incredible new friend of ours, Sheri, to watch the boys. Her boyfriend worked with Jim at Modern and we've had dinner with them a few times over the years and she had always offered to babysit if I ever needed anyone so I called her up and asked if she'd be interested. Not only was she interested, she is WONDERFUL and the boys absolutely LOVE her, even Jordie who is often a bit slower to take to people. Big hugs, smile and tons of love on all sides. Plus she and Keith have an awesome backyard with a pool, trampoline and fenced yard so James will be able to play outside for hours every day which is exactly what he needs and loves the most. Sheri has two older daughters and is really looking forward to loving these little guys and being the amazing support that I really need in my decision to return to work. Her girls love the boys too and I have to admit that I absolutely LOVE the idea of my boys being able to sit down for dinner with a real family a few nights a week as it's the time of day that I feel I struggle the most to make up for Daddy being away. It's the hardest time for me for sure and I'm so happy that they will have that again now with Keith and Sheri and their girls.
I am however sad of course to say goodbye to our old sitter Donna. She was so wonderful with James and he and I both just absolutely loved her. I will never forget the special moments and funny stories from his almost 2.5 years spent with her. She has said that she will stay on board with us for the odd Friday that we may need care and I plan to stay in touch with her because we really do adore her.
So two new huge changes for the Barrows family coming up this week. I am really excited but also really terrified too to start all over again at a new job, but at least this time I am doing it with a good sleeping baby. When I started at the Peak when James was 9 months old he was never a good sleeper and I often felt like I was just getting through the days. Now, as long as I get my ass to bed at a reasonable hour and get up and enjoy my tea before my monsters wake up I think (and hope) to be able to get my butt out the door by 8 am!
I'm ready to rock this part-time working Mommy gig!
Wish me luck!